Workout 1:
Cross squats: For this one I didn't find a photo. For this exercise you have to jump with for example right leg and raise your right arm and then down you touch the left foot and then you jump with left leg and raise left arm and so 15 times together I am doing 30, but at the beginning I also did 15, because the exercise is challenging.
Sumo jack: You do this exercise pretty much like it is on photo. I don't think you need more explanation
Lunge crunch:On this photo you can't really see that good. You first put your legs together, stand straight then one leg goes behind and a bit low and raise your arms, then you go with one leg forward as much as you can. The way you go forward is you bend your knee
Curtsey lunge: On photo it is clear how it works. First put your legs straight together and then bend you knees one forward and one behind
Workout 2:
Curtsey with 90 degree side hole: This work out is the same as on the previous photo only with this one you need to use weight and you put your arms on side and then straight and hold the weight
Sumo with 90 degree fwd hold: This is the same as simple sumo that i explained in previous workout just the hands are in front of you and you hold the weight
Side lunge with bent elbow hold: For this exercise your put your legs together and bend the elbow and when you are you hold the weight while your elbows are bend and you bend your knees.
Squats with 90 degree raise: You first put your arm on 90 degree with weight that means up from your shoulder on that side on which you are holding the weight and then your legs are together and then you raise your other leg not the side you are holding the weight and then you do that again
Overhead lunges:This is clear put legs and arms together and then raise arms with weight and bend one knee and then the other but always with raised arms
Extra workout:
Jump squats: Very easy to do but very challenging
Weighted walking lunged: You do it the same as on photo, but it is important when you go back put your legs straight, but so that you can bent them again so one leg forward straight and other back straight and weighted step up you do it the same only on the bench
Sumo squats
Bench jumps
Double bench squats:here is important to put two benches and then one leg on one bench the other one bench
Push ups
Tricep dips
Weighted squat clean and press
Mountain climber
Split push ups
Weighted bent leg jackknifes
Raised leg sit ups with twist
Sit ups
Toe touches
As you can see all these extra workouts are pretty simple and you might know them and how they work just by reading the name. They are simple, but have big effects and I would recommend doing them too, you don't have to do all of them but some. I hope you understand all the workouts I tried explaining as good as I can. So now that you know how to do this workouts go here and let's workout and be so fit and feel so great. Have fun you guys with this fun workouts. Give me your feedbacks when you have a chance
Always love from
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