means Men Going Their Own Way... have they ever gone other way? I
wonder... well, every man I know goes his own way without this MGTOW
proclama but let's go deeper into the real meaning of this acronym.
check out the claim:
– Men Going Their Own Way is a statement of self-ownership, where
the modern man preserves and protects his own sovereignty above all
else. It is the manifestation of one word: “No”. Ejecting silly
preconceptions and cultural definitions of what a “man” is.
Looking to no one else for social cues. Refusing to bow, serve and
kneel for the opportunity to be treated like a disposable utility.
And, living according to his own best interests in a world which
would rather he didn’t. “
good to me, sounds like we could say WGTOW, which we girls just
don't say we just do it, right? No big deal, it's a free world...
anyway, checking the women version of the MGTOW statement, I actually
think is so cool, kinda defines us very well:
– Women Going Their Own Way is a statement of self-ownership, where
the modern woman preserves and protects her own sovereignty above all
else. It is the manifestation of one word: “No”. Ejecting silly
preconceptions and cultural definitions of what a “woman” is.
Looking to no one else for social cues. Refusing to bow, serve and
kneel for the opportunity to be treated like a disposable utility.
And, living according to her own best interests in a world which
would rather she didn’t. “*
as I said, we don't need to proclaim that everybody's free and that's
felt like I almost admire this guys, but then went deeper into the page, and found this:
or be played” … oh boy, this wasn't part of the statement, was
it? one thing is self-ownership, and stand on your right to be
yourself and be happy, other thing is to say that you must play
others in order to achieve that. Just take a look at this
recommended reading: “Why I cheat” by some Tim Patten.
is when I start to think again: these are more like men afraid of
women, since they see an enemy on us, they attack as a defence
strategy. Guys, can't we just be friends and cut this crap? We all
had bad experiences that's part of human life, but chill out and move
had a big laughing journey through this FAQ bit, I could write an article to each one of
them. Like thE one “why announce MGTOW? Why don't you just go your
own way?”, where they never answered the question in the first
place. Or this other one: "MGOTW can't get a girlfriend",
and they go “Not that we can't we just don't want to” which is
basically the same answer to this one “Do MGTOW have sex? are you
all virgins who don't get any” “Not that we can't we just don't
want to” LOL!
The core of this whole business is not the freedom of men and all that silly propaganda, that's the hook for weakminded boys. The core thing I found is in the forums page, here you find the tricky topics (two examples):
“Men’s and Father’s Rights: MRA-related wing for Men's and Fathers Rights, with topics on the current legal climate, child custody, child support, visitation rights, mediation, legal battles, and the general western divorce and family court system.” in other words “we help you to take children away from their mothers” (because you know, mothers are evil...)
Corner: When the current state, globalization, or concerns like
"global cooling" or "saving the planet" are on
your mind, this is the place for that. “ Or, become an extremist
republican (because you know, all that nonsense about global warming
is not happening)
I stand for all those men and women in the world who go their own
way, and who are free not only because they do what they want and
meant what they do, but also because in their hearts and souls
they're light and free of hatred, so we really don't occupy our minds
being fixated on another guy or girl, seeking revenge or gaming
them... being free is staying cool with everybody and mostly with
yourself, cool with men, women, society, the planet, people different
from you, don't be afraid of diversity, knowing other cultures is the
best thing ever, believe me!!
I say, these guys with the MGTOW are a sissy response to the real WGTOW, but more than that they are extreme right wing recruiters behind that mask. And they are not even true to their own statement. MGTOW: If you refuse the social pressure and defend the men's sovereignty to decide, why don't you let married men to join you??? You hypocrites!! You pretend to be “ejecting silly preconceptions and cultural definitions of what a “man” is” by dictating your own silly preconception and cultural definition of what a man is. Dugh!
know what a man is? A guy who really goes his own way no matter what
MGTOW, ReturnOfKing, Tim Patten, or even I say. Period
This are not my words btw, just in
case of any copyright or somethig, this is propety of MGTOW, or I
think it is because it is on the page Of course I
wouldn't write somethng so obvious!!...
Publicar un comentario
The MGTOW r shamed for many false reasons but Sandman is unshamable.
I know Tim Patten - Good book.
free books to link...truthovereverything on youtube
Masculinity is so sexy to feminine women.
I was delighted to read this plague of a piece be-riddled with self projection and shaming language of which I foresee many more pieces from this blog targeting MGTOW.
Couldnt even represent the views held by MGTOW; So its hard for me to hold you to any sort of intellectual standard; Aside from this I do have one question;
Is there or What is the difference between Hikikomori , MGTOW , MRA and Grass eaters? I suspect your answer will fall along the path of 'They are just losers who need to man up or just walk away silently?'
Just a guess.
NB: Why am i posting anonymously? Because its my body my choice.
MGTOW is not a political movement. There are MGTOWs on every range of the political spectrum, from every religion and non-religion, and at every stage of adulthood. We are everywhere, and our emotional, physical, and financial resources are no longer at your disposal. That’s why you and your white-knight zombies want to shame us back into slavery.
Sun Tzu said in “The Art of War”: Know yourself and know your enemy; a thousand battles, a thousand victories.
We know ourselves and we know our enemy. You clearly learned nothing from your “research” into MGTOW, and yet we know your motives, tactics and strategy very well.
I wish you the best of luck in the days to come. You’ll need it (and a copy of Hodge’s Harbrace - maybe you can find a white knight to loan the copy he bought to you and teach you to use it?).
Only bullies write you 'hate women' or articles such as yours.
It is scientifically proven that women are gender biased in favour of their own gender by a factor of 4 to 1. Men are gender neutral. So, science has proven that it is women who hate men. This is also proven by all the gynocentric laws and vile behaviour, such as women tweeting to 'kill all men'.
Thanks for the recruitment drive. The more your spew your propaganda the more men convert to mgtow.
You're entire debate completely shatters as soon as you accept :
It's not MORAL issue...... it's a LEGAL issue.
What you think someone may (or may not) feel or think - or like or hate - is totally irrelevant.
Determining whether or not a woman FAILS a cost benefit analysis in a marriage (or relationships) is not a moral issue. Its a LEGAL issue. So all your bullshit "you hate women" nonsense fails.
You're going to stop being a swiveling little girl, grow up and accept:
MGTOW is not the "women hating" site you so dearly want it to be. If there is an "enemy" it is the system. Example: Women fight for equality in the workplace. So why don't women fight against hateful Affirmative Action laws that give women an unequal advantage over men in university enrollment and jobs? Seen a male librarian lately?
Another: Women want access to all military positions. Okay! So why don't women fight to require every 18 year old girl to sign up for the draft? Obviously, women would prefer the "choice" to sacrifice their lives instead of being forced to do it. Must be nice.
Why don't women fight to be equal with men so that the courts award custody to the father 50% of the time? Why alimony if we're equal? Why don't women do excavation work, clean out sewers, drive garbage trucks, die for freedom? Oh yeah...women just want to be equal when it comes to what they want. Must be nice.
Here is a women's logic: Women "fight" against breast cancer. Really? It doesn't even dawn on them that coating themselves with chemicals in the form of hair spray, make-up, hair dye, pesticides in tampons, gel breast implants, lipstick, feminine sprays, etc., might cause cancer. They don't want to know because they may have to sacrifice something they like. And that's not going to happen. Go ahead, keep paying Nancy Brinker [Susan G Koman founder] $684,000 dollars a year, you idiots.
As far as Oprah just proves that women are stupid and cannot be trusted to discern shit from shinola.
In short, it means, I don't care. Have fun raging. I need to do what benefits me, and work what works best and not be able to game anything. That is it for me. But of course, Not All MGTOW Are Like This, so I can't speak for anyone else.
I also am anonymous here, because I don't want to bother to log in, get into a conversation with you, and let who I am be known. I am doing this for my own self-serving reasons, so I can be of value and not be of need, and give what my take is, and maybe clear up what you may thing.
Ok, I am out. I have done wasted enough time here.
PS: noone wants to make you a slave