Kayla Workout Program Wednesday Weeks 2&4

So this workout is also for Wednesday just for weeks 2 and 4 a bit more harder but I know you can handle it. I am showing you all the workouts for weeks 1-4 because now I am on my week 4 of Kayla workout and thought it would be fun if we all do it together at the same time. If you guys do follow this workout we would love to see results after so please do send us your progress pictures. And I wanted to let you know on Friday the full body workouts are coming up on our blog so make sure to come to our blog on Friday as well. 

1. Circuit:
15 weighted squat clean & press
15 tricep dips
24 or 12 each side commandos
20 straight leg jackknife
Break after 7 minutes
2. Circuit
20 sit ups
15 rounds 4 mountain climbers and 1 push up 
15 leg raises
15 lay down push ups

Weighted squat clean & press:

Tricep dips: need more explanation click here 

Commandos: place your forearms on the floor, and your legs straight like in push up position see in picture, then go up with your forearms first with one then with other till they are straight you are in push up position

Straight leg jackknife: place your legs and arms on floor then first go up with your legs then go up with your arms till you can touch your toes

Sit ups: place your arms and your legs bent, put your arms behind your head and start going forward, when you go back placing your arms on floor that are placed behind your head don't place them  completely  on the floor they should be a bit up

Mountain climbers with 1 push up per round:  if you need more explanation for this exercise 

Leg raises: place your arms and legs on floor then put together your legs and raise your legs straight up then go back but when you place your legs don't place them completely on floor they should be a bit up like with sit ups, it makes it harder but better for your abs 

Lay down push ups: if you need more explanation click here


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