“There's no one on earth who knows so many stories as Ole Lukoie-he certainly can tell them!
When night comes on and children still sit in good order around the table, or on their little stools, Ole Lukoie arrives. He comes upstairs quietly, for he walks in his socks. Softly he opens the door, and flick! he sprinkles sweet milk in the children's eyes-just a tiny bit, but always enough to keep their eyes closed so they won't see him. He tiptoes behind them and breathes softly on their necks, and this makes their heads hang heavy. Oh yes! But it doesn't hurt them, for Ole Lukoie loves children and only wants them to be quiet, and that they are only when they have been put to bed. He wants them to be quiet so that he can tell them stories...”
Hans Christian Andersen
Oh! I am a girl!! I got caught!! Outside I may look pretty and nice, but beware, oh, guys, I'll rip your heart and your testicles through your wallet, and I'll fry them on boiling oil, and eat them for dinner!! Listen!! My only goal in this world is using men to reproduce and then use your children to take all your money; I feed on your suffering without any remorse!!! Yes, I'm a girl; I'll leave you without money, without kids, without heart... and without testicles...
But hey!!! Don’t fear, poor guys!! Not everything is lost!! There’s a way to defeat this evil witch!! This bitch only attacks blue pill men.... Mr. Sandman has a medicine to keep the witch away, there is an amulet: the red pill. Take the red pill Mr. Sandman sells and know the “truth” about these devils and be safe!!!
I am a woman, and I never wanted nor want to marry because I don't like to owe people things. I’m not on sale. I don't want any man giving me advice nor even inviting me to the cinema. If I go out with my friends, I pay. If I'm in a work group with men, I work the most, I don't owe anything to any man, that's a simple rule in my life, I don't need any man, and I don't use any man, period.
You Sandman, Sadman, you, Lord Hatred, who thinks that I by the mere fact of being a woman, I will peel out your skin and feed your organs to the crows. I don't hate you, I feel so sorry for you. You will never know the happiness many happily married couples know (yeah, they exist, a few but I have seen them)... and I must confess, surely me neither. You, because of your own stupidity. Me, because I never wanted to be judged by people like you. Anyway, as I said, I need no man. And probably you need no woman s well. Big difference is I'm not going round spreading hatred and obsessed with wicked men.
can only imagine the damage that woman must have caused you, and how
wounded you are or were, I am sorry for what she had done to you, I
truly am.
this!?, so, if you couldn't be happy with your relationship, no one
else can?... you accuse women of manipulate men with their beauty...
and you manipulate them with their fears... You came in the night
when they are scared, and make them sleep and tell them these
horrible stories... why do you want this army of brainwashed boys?
so they can make you company in your sad loneliness????
honest, I feel bad for you Mr. Sadman, I sincerely hope you can find
some peace some day in your path, so you can stop this ridiculous war
on women, and be free, living and letting others live.
my friends I give you Mr. Sadman... (did you think I was
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Its all a game of information and tactics. You think Sandman talking about the actions of some Women equals hate. Well, is it hate that drives Black People to talk about the secrets of the KKK? Is it hate that lead Men like Michael Moore to do movies about corporate corruption and their unfair business practices?
At the end, being angry doesn't make how its revealed less acceptable. It just means the those who secrets were being revealed just fell asleep and got arrogant to the point where people lost their tolerance of it. PS, Nakedly Dressed...check your privilege and don't be so angry. All secrets can't stay hidden forever.
MGTOW exist since about 2004 while Sandmans channel exist only since.2013. MGTOW was there for almost 10 years before Sandman started to make his videos.
Not Sandman created MGTOW, MGTOW created Sandman.
Fits with the story of the woman taken on a vacation. "You have to pay for my trip and hotel room!" "But do you ask your friends to pay for your vacation if you go with them?" "No of course not." "Then why should I pay for you? Don't you have the money?" "Of course I do!" "Then what's the deal?" "If you don't pay for my trip, then you're not having any sex!"
I'm just saying. And you can claim: "I have guy friends too!" Well good for you, but I'm not buying it.
2) Judging by your posts and pictures, you ladies live an upper-middle class or wealthy life (or it's all for show and daddy is flipping the bill). Pretty easy to pass judgements from an ivory tower. You essentially epitomize the kind of women MGTOWs avoid. High maintenance, inflated self-worth, shallow, materialistic, passive aggressive, and faux empathy...yeah, who wouldn't love to listen to you rattle on about the Kardashians?!
3) The author claims to be the "I don't need no man" type of woman, yet, you keep throwing in your envy of those who experience love. You say sandman is bitter yet you appear the same. Maybe you two should date ;) Also, MGTOW do not hate women...they simply analyze the current crop of them and realize it's not worth the risk. Since we can't determine who is genuine and who is a fake, we must assume the worst until the conditions of society are less hostile. Maybe you're a wonderful girl and different than the typical, shallow narcissist. Maybe you just think you are...
4) You invalidate sandman's assertions, because you feel you're the exception to them? How does that make sense in your mind? You don't discount that there are a lot of women as sandman describes them (if not the majority). Just because you may (or may not) be exceptional, men should just risk their lives that everyone will be like you?! MGTOW use statistics often to guide us...not emotional bullshit. Also, you think women naturally believe themselves evil? NO! They think whatever they're doing is right--ALL THE TIME--and if someone is hurt along the way it's not their responsibility. I've met many evil people (male and female), and they all believe themselves to be good and honest people.
5) I hope you make this kind of article the standard. I'd love to read more delusions :D
There are many worthy lovely girls who could make you happy and you just dont see them, dont want them
You guys are all so sad
Sounds like something I've seen plenty of MRA's and MGTOW's do.
Especially articles about women.
It's funny how you act like an egotistical professor, patronizing the author unnecessarily like you're above her. Stop making men look bad.
1) Something must've struck a nerve with you. Why else would you be here?
2) "High maintenance, inflated self-worth, shallow, materialistic, passive aggressive, and faux empathy"
Traits that a level-headed woman would also dislike in a man - it goes both ways.
3) "MGTOW do not hate women...they simply analyze the current crop of them and realize it's not worth the risk. Since we can't determine who is genuine and who is a fake, we must assume the worst until the conditions of society are less hostile"
You MTGOW's must have bad analytical skills.
4) "MGTOW use statistics often to guide us...not emotional bullshit."
I notice a lot of emotional and irrational MGTOW's.
"Also, you think women naturally believe themselves evil? NO! They think whatever they're doing is right--ALL THE TIME"
Way to over-generalize half the world's population. And act is if there's no men who aren't guilty of this themselves.
"I've met many evil people (male and female), and they all believe themselves to be good and honest people."
I don't doubt it. But it begs the question: why were you only targeting women.
5) I get the impression that you're a devoted follower of Sandman, and couldn't bear to see an article criticizing this MGTOW youtuber (who's probably a con artist and has got many fooled).
Are you sure you're in the right and not the wrong?
As for patronizing...of course it will come off that way when I'm trying to explain reality to spoiled brat princesses with a collective intelligence that is still below average. Look at these mindless articles these ladies focus on all in an attempt to gain ad revenue. It goes beyond the material they cover though--they simply cannot write coherently or with grammatical skills above that of a 10 year old. Are you blind or being a tool jumping to the defense of petulant children lashing out? Honestly, as passive as you sound, which I don't respect, you at least write properly with some level of intelligence and a semblance of integrity. That makes me think your efforts are wasted on spoiled brats like this.
I am a fan of sandman, but I've seen others rebut him in ways that weren't pathetic shaming tactics. Even other MGTOW have had their gripes with him. I can understand their complaints and see the merit in their arguments if there is substance. There is nothing here but projection, anger, and bitterness from someone not getting their way. If you can't see the difference, I can't help you there.