10 accessories every fashionista needs to have

Accessories is important part of your outfit, these little pieces do make a difference in your outfit and will in a way make it better. Knowing what accessories to put to what and also knowing when it is too much what accessories goes good together is important for your outfit. It is sometimes even hard to decided what to wear with an outfit when you have so many accessories. Sometimes we do buy unnecessary accessories because they look at first look good and we get them and then it always get harder when we have to choose what to wear because even though those look good and you think they are must have you probably know you don't need them and won't make your outfit look better. I do have to admit I did made a lot of mistakes in past choosing the wrong accessories and buy stupid unnecessary stuff, I did lost a lot of time. I still remember when there was a time when I thought claire's was cool and would go every week to buy shitty expensive accessories that would last like for maybe a month and wasn't even looking good, but I learned that is not what I need. But you still need accessories to look good and there are accessories that are essential to your and everyones styles and you can mix up those in every outfit. I also do have stupid accessories that I don't even use that often, but if you don't want to waste your money on stupid accessories just get these 10 accessories that in my opinion and also experiences from me and my friends are the most useful and also I know you will use them a lot and will always look great doesn't matter what your style is or even your looks. I though it would be really cool to do an accessories article since I am always talking about accessories in every article, as you can notice I love accessories.

Cluth: always looking great with any outfit, great to mix up and it's perfect for night out where you only need to bring essentials so you don't have to have a lot of space in your beg or also for dinner even quick lunch with your girls. Clutches you can wear on your shoulders or in your hand that is why they are so great and easy to put it together with an outfit and it always looks trendy and stylish

Belt: it is very handy when your outfit needs accessories for example with a black outfit always making it better or when belt is black with some lighter colours it is suppose to be there to tight clothes, but now it is more accessories and making your outfit look even better. Belt you can mix up with a lot of things just have fun and see how it looks

Watch: watch is definitely my favourite accessories, if you find the perfect watch not only you can wear with every outfit and in any style, but it keeps you track of your time and all of your meetings. It always looks good and you don't need any other accessories maybe only some earrings or some cute necklace, but only if you want to go a bit elegant if it is casual outfit I would just wear watch. I do have view watches, sometimes your perfect watch isn't perfect for every outfit so you need to find some others.

  Hopp Earrings: hopp earrings look on anyone good, they are so great because you have to find the right size of them it depends on your size and hight, but then they look great. You can wear them with every day look some more elegant look and really anytime and you can wear some other accessories with it, it wouldn't be too much. I also love those earring on photo that have little details, that make them look even better, but you can also go with classic silver or gold.

Cuff bracelet: great way to wear to wear some details on your hand with cuff bracelet, it is simple, will look very elegant on your hand. If you are tall you can wear this bright one, but people that are not so tall maybe just little cuff bracelet. These bracelet looks great with little black dress, great for nightout with your girls. 

 Sunglasses: sunglasses when the sun is shinning is great opportunity to wear them and wear them as accessories to your outfit. They look good with anything, you just need to get couple of sunglasses for more classy looks and then more fancy and casual looks, but I guess you can wear any sunglasses with any looks it just looks better. For example I have two raybans one classic black rayban I wear them with just casual normal looks, looks with not many colours, then I got also those blue raybans those I wear with my crazy, stylish looks with like flowers dresses or anything with more colours. But I just love sunglasses so handy and also looking very stylish even when your outfit is not that special

Hat: this accessories is great and in way unique, because it does make your outfit look very special. I would be careful with what I wear hat and what type of hat, but you have so many things you can wear it with like this hat on photos is great with spring/summer looks casual dresses, or skirts for kind of lunch or just casual day but stylish looks.

Handbag: I probably couldn't live without my handbag they have so many space and you can put so many stuff in it, it's perfect for everyday when you are outside the whole day. I think most of girls buy one very expensive and special bag by time they are around 20 and they wear it with anything and good thing about those expensive bags is they do go with anything even casual looks, look pretty stylish with this bag, because it is accessories that makes it difference, but if you don't have one you do have for sure a lot of bags that you can mix up with your outfit. Handbags that look casual are good with casual looks those and then elegant once with of course elegant looks for dinner or something like that.  I think it is still better to have one that great and expensive bag then 1000 cheap bags that don't look good at all and is hard to put them together with an outfit. You don't have to buy right aways from louis vuitton, but h&m has some bags that looks good or zara or if you save a bit you can buy michael kors they look good and are not extra expensive.

Charm necklace: this charm necklace are great addition to your outfit, looking very elegant and give your outfit a charm that it needs. You can wear those with casual looks or even more serious looks and you can add earrings to it as well.

Rings: I adore rings, they are never too much and always looking great with your outfit. Though be careful what kind of rings you wear to which outfit and sometimes don't over do it with too many outfit, with kind of hype style outfit you can wear as many you want, but for more fancy events with some girlie dress maybe one or two is enough, but it will make your outfit looks great.

This was fun wasn't it? I feel like every fashionista can relate to what I said, everything I said you probably already own or if you don't you know you need it. I mean handbag you have that for sure, who doesn't have handbag? Or sunglasses something so unique and special in it own way. I think accessories are so great and my favourite part about putting together an outfit is mix it up with these accessories and see what looks the best. What is your favourite accessories? Do you like putting together outfit and accessories?

Make sure to stay tune once special video is coming soon, also we will be making QA video so if you have any question about our blog or us just write on our email nakedlydressed@gmail.com or any of our socialmedia accounts and we will answer it in our video and also keep reading our blog because we got something special for your when we reach 10000 readers so stay tune BIG SURPRISE IS COMING



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