Circuit 1:
50 or 25 each side mountain climbers
15 weighted bent leg jackknifes
3 minutes skipping
15 straight leg jackknifes
after 7 minutes break
Circuit 2:
15 burpees
30 or 15 each side raised leg sit ups with twist
40 or 20 each side ab bikes
15 leg raises
Here is explanation to the exercises:
Mountain climber: more explanation here
Weighted bent leg jackknifes: more explanation here
Skipping: more explanation here
Straight leg jackknifes: more explanation here
Burpees: more explanation here
Raised leg sit ups with twist: this is a lot like normal sit ups with twist the only difference is that you have to either bent your knees and raise them or our put your legs on bench straight and then put your hands behind your head and go forward with your head into sit up position one side till you can touch bench with your hands and you this exercises on one side then other.
Ab bikes: more explanation here
Leg raises: more explanation here
This was the Friday workout for weeks 5 and 7. You noticed that it got harder but just enjoy it take break when you can and relax and don't forget to drink water and just have fun. Come back on Monday because on Monday the new workout comes out make sure to check it out. Do this great exercise and then you can have little fun on weekend.
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