How to take perfect selfie?

Selfie is nowadays a word that everyone kind of know and I feel like selfie is not only word is like a life style or even kind of skill either you got it or not. But selfie is a skill that you can get better at easily and because of all of our social medias and our instagram of course we always need to look the best we can't have bad day on social media if we want to talk photos we better look good or if not don't even try to take photo that would be just not good for your social media profile naah just joking, but the truth is that people do want to look good on photo and I guess a lot of people are wondering how to make great selfie. When you think about selfie you think there is not much work you just take it and done add some filter but actually a lot of factors to be considered while taking selfie and a lot of tools you need hard work isn't it. You better take a drink and some sneaks because today I'll be showing you how to make perfect selfie what tools I use and more:

Lighting: lighting that is always big part of when you are taking any photo, you need to have natural light because the photo will turn out way better and it will also increase the quality of the photo as well. You can either face the sun which will make your photo look softer and more mysterious or you can be behind the light or not facing it and then the photo will look more bright see what looks better for you

Spot of your phone: on what spot your are holding your photo is also important you don't want to be holding it too high or too low it just looks wear and you might even get that fish ball effect which no one likes the perfect spot would be a little bit above the eye level or in front of eyes. You also might try different shapes of photo some people look great on that horizontal aka landscape shape some portrait try out what works the best for you

Makeup: the big part of selfie is looking good and might want to put some makeup on it doesn't have to be too much just some foundation and bronzer and some mascara 

High light your best feature: everyone has that one part of their face that is unique and don't tell you don't because I know you got it if you haven't noticed it yet I'll help you with that so high light it and make sure the photo is focused on that so that bad part would be unnoticed and how you can do that is for example if you love your lips put some lipstick on some bright colour or if you think you have the most amazing smile then smile on your photo or if you like your nose contour it trust it your photo will look much better

Background: like with any other photo type background is also important even thought you just take photo of your face make sure you have clear simple background if you are taking photo in your room go in front of the wall or doors I am sure they are white nice and clear or if you are outside take photo in front of something simple or just with view details and be careful you don't want to have random people on your photo 

More photo is always better: if you know something about taking photos is that it is always better to make more photos in case you don't like the first one and take couple so you can choose the best

Stay steal: of course when taking photos it is important to stay steal so you can take good photo

Try out different angles: there are so many different angles in which you can take your selfie but which one is the best well you'll need to see in which you look the just play around and take photo in different angles

Do different faces: there are so many different you can do from quiet serious to silly and funny face so if you still haven't try it try that out try different faces you then decide which one you like the best

Avoid mirror: if you don't have to take photo with mirror don't because that just doesn't look good and also not even interesting you want your photo to look unique and interesting

Make photo interesting: you want your selfie to be unique and to get as much likes as she can so add some accessories like interesting hat or sunglasses or some
necklace so to spice it up and make it unique

Filters: they say you shouldn't put any filters the selfie should be natural but you kind of need filters so here is what I used for filters: PicsArt app it is great app for editing photos you can do collages and some fun stickers to your photos, letters and even get some great filters and brightness as well if you want even more perfection the app called beautyplus is great because it you need to hide something from your faces this app will make it happen also fotor app is also app with different filters that you can use also great one and there are a lot of more apps but this once are the essentials and you might find them useful

This is not our typical article but we thought why not kick off the summer with some different articles and I am sure it will be useful for you and it is interesting how many things are considered for selfie I mean you only take photo of your face and there are so many things and it is a lot of work but nowadays this is important you need your instagram to look amazing so you need your selfies to look great at all time. Just check this points out and your photo will look amazing. Guys have fun taking selfies till next time

Nakedlydressed girls xx


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