Review: Trio app *

For today's article we got a bit different and it is this month's favourite social media app. First I have to tell you how fascinated I am how social media is developing and growing every day. Now we don't have just couple of app or side for social media we have so many of those and when you think now they are done they create another app and another. The whole social media started with facebook, but now when I think about it facebook is not even that big deal anymore. So today I want to tell you about this app called trio, but I think will become a big deal soon. Trio is a mashup app and now you are probably thinking what is mashup, well that's like remix you can create by putting some short videos, photos and adding some effects, texts and music. These remix are suppose to be fun and short and not bore anyone. This app helps you create these fun remix and share with your friends. This mashups are great way to communicate with friends and show them how you are feeling or even show them what you are up to in short video. And what is also good about this one, is that you don't need any fun video on your phone because this app gives you fun content from other people, the only thing you have to do is search what you want to put in your mashup and there you go and music is available as well. And if you need some inspiration for your mashup here are some:
-fun dancing clips with some super fun dancing music
-mashup your friends with some fun movie quotes
-search for your favourite brand and find products you like and put them together
-put together some of your favourite tv show

And these are only some of ideas and when you are done creating the mashup you can share it on Instagram,Vine, Giphy, iTunes, Movie clips

Once you created your first mashup people will see it and they can like it and follow you and you can follow other people and like their mashup and connect with them

Here is how it looks and you can like it or dislike it, then you can choose which kind of mashup and also if you don't have a content  you can search by category, it's pretty easy to use and fun when you are bored or need some inspiration

I have been using this app for while and for me it is super fun, I just go and create in basically one minute and then I share it on my social media and after I was scrolling the feed and saw what others did and it is great to see what others do and then I went back and did another one. I did one for channel bags, then one with random dancing and just fun stuff. We are ambassador and for trio and we are now promoting them on our social media and here is the link and it would be mean so much if you would download it. Because we are their ambassadors this is sponsor post and that's why the star sign in on title. I think it's a great app and a lot of fun that's why I wanted to share with you and
P.S I also linked this pictures so you can go ahead and click on pictures and will get you where you can download the app

Nakedlydressed xx


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