Blue jacket with lyssloo shirt

Today the weather way very fall like, kind of rainy but also not that cold. Sometimes I like fall because it's not too cold but also hate because never know what to wear, sometimes it rains sometimes it is warm so stupid. Anyways before I had to work I went to IKEA to buy myself a bed because I got new apartment, which I am so happy about and need new bed. So this is what I wore on rainy fall day and this article is also sponsored by lyssloo our partners and an amazing online shop and we are showing how to wear one of their products. For next view weeks you can expect more articles like this because lyssloo was kind of enough to send us bunch of clothes for us to wear and show you how to wear so here is the look

Red hat from H&M | Suede blue jacket from H&M | Black shirt from Lyssloo | Fake celine bag from Aliexpress | Black ripped trousers from Zara | Vans from Vans

When I started to style this look my main focus was on this lyssloo black shirt, because I wanted to wear it today. So basically you could wear this shirt in elegant but also like this casual way. I love how it is up totally black and down where your belly button is transparent which is nice if you like to kind of show off your belly button and looks quit nice, you could also wear with some nice skirt for nice out or trousers and put just some nice high heels on. Because the shirt is so long you could also just wear hot pants with it and with some flats or if you go out with some high heels. Anyways back to the look because I wanted to wear this shirt but also wanted to be casual for bed shopping, don't need to be elegant for that. I just took this blue sueded jacket that I have been loving for years and years to give my look and colour since I knew I would wear the black shirt with these amazing ripped trousers from zara and amazing because my legs look way skinnier in them. And then I put my vans on because they are so comfy and then it was already time for accessories and this time I just took simple "celine" bag the fake one that my sister got on alixpress which looked nice with the whole outfit and I noticed it was way too black I took this h&m hat that I didn't wear for long time, even though it was raining outside and I just knew the outfit would look amazing. I don't like when it's too much black colour but you can always save it with putting a bit colour into your look. I really enjoyed putting this look for you guys hope you liked it

Nakedlydressed xx 


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