full lip care

hey girls today's article is simple short and very necessary during this cold weather or any weather really so ill make it shrot and simple and brake it down to three things :
-exfoliate :
yes exfoliate your lips to get-red off the dead skin cells and get softer lips .
as i mentioned before the oil&sugar scrub it is perfect and you can always use Vaseline as well if you don't like oil you can add a few drops of lemon to the mix if you have pigmented lips,  keep it in a clean jar and it can last for ever .
i recommend almond oil or olive oil for this mix.
another close exfoliator  is honey sugar and lemon mix them up and the mixture can last for ever so you can keep it for a long time and it will not go bad.
rub you lips with any of the top mixes for a minute or so wait for it to dry out then wash and pat dry .
- moisturize: 
very easy every night before bed use Vaseline or Shea butter(my favorite) generously on you lips and whip them out in the morning and done .
-lipstick day off:
now as much as i love my lip colors they still have chemicals in them so using them on a daily bases isn't a good idea , so you need to take a day off from using your lipstick and make up actually at least twice a week , or another trick mix a bit of your lipstick with Vaseline so you will not have as much chemicals on your lips .
or use an all natural lips products.


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