full winter skin care

winter and the cold weather is on and along comes the annoying skin problems , but winter is not all bad despite of the problems that cold dry weather causes the skin it has a few advantages like making your pores look smaller , make up stays on longer , not much oily skin ,
now it may cause your skin to be dry but did you know that your skin heals and regenerates better during the cold weather that is enough for me to like it , and take winter as a good chance to take care of your skin
in today's article ill give out a few tips about keeping a healthy sexy skin during the winter :
lets start with my personal products :
1-Vaseline :
giiiiiiiiiiiirls this is the booom now i use this on my whole body , and it is a great cover from that cold dry weather , so when you wake up and before using the cleansers on your face put it on your face and do a quick massage for your face then go about using you face wash and also massage that to remove the residues of the Vaseline and then see how your skin looks after that same routine can be used on your body and i do this because i don't like the oily feeling yet i like the motorization.
the second you get home and remove that lipstick place a heavy layer of Vaseline on them and leave it on until u need to go out or something wipe it out  to keep moist lips and it also helps remove the dead skin from your lips , told you it the boom and as i mentioned in another article you can use it to remove your make up as well. 
2-Baio oil :
this is like my favorite through all seasons it is just an amazing product , for all i use it every night before bed it is very light and gets through skin perfectly try it and you will notice that spots and scars and uneven tone will go away with regular use.

3-Aloe Vera gel: 
perfect for all skin types before your make up use it as a toner its natural and uni-bacterial helps remove spots as well all of this will help keeping your skin flawless.
4-retnol cream (vitamin A) & vitamin C:
now i know there is a lot of products that i listed here but this is also one great mix i mix a vitamin C serum with my retnol cream and when ever i feel my face has had a long day and dried out i put in the bio oil and wait for it to go in my skin then i go over it with my mix .
another good advice wither it is summer of winter after your face has had a long day use a "day defense cream " it is usually rich in both vitamin A&C and there are many brands to choose from.
second my masques and scrubs :
girls now this is important to exfoliate your skin in the winter , but not in a harsh way so do this on your week ends and i will give you some choices to chose from , i also like to use all natural ingredients through this process surlly you can use what ever you want .
first the "scrubs":nothing fancy girls i promise
sugar &oil : 
simply take brown sugar (you can also use white ) and olive or almond oil along side some lime drops , mix them up and scrub your face gently with it and leave it on for like 5-10minites then wash with warm water and pat dry .
now this scrup is perfect also for removing stretch marks and the appearance of cellulite  and spots so you really can use it on all your body.
oatmeal & yogurt : 
so easy mix oatmeal and yogurt with lemon juice make it a little thick  so you can scrub with it leave for 10-15 minutes and wash that's it .
second masques : 
milk & honey :
they really are a match made in heaven those tow just mix the amounts you like of milk and honey with some yogurt to make it a bit thicker but it on your face after the scrubs and leave it on as much as you want , then simply wash it off and let your skin breath and feel good .
mud & sand masques :
take your choice of any mud masque and just let your skin take a break from the exhausting week it had .
now this is going to sound funny but put beach sand on your face or in a bath tup and lay all they way there for a good time as it is like a natural healer and exfoliater along side its relaxing values try it girls .
now after this i highly recommend no make up and to but nothing on your face and let it breath .
try this full routine and you are going out of this wedding with an even better skin then in the summer .


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