the water diet

ok this is a famous diet but this is a personal guaranteed , and some how more doable for you guys "the water diet"
 so water actually is the main component in our bodies but so many of us don't know what are the risks for that and if you have any of the following then your not drinking enough water :
- pail skin and spots : pail skin is one of the most common things when you don't drink water want better skin water for less skin flaws.
- un clear eyes :
if your eyes are a bit yellow or have discoloration then water can be a big part of that ofc along side looking to computers for along time.
-cellulite & fat:
yes it is cellulite if you body is not hydrated the right way the appearance of cellulite and the accumulation of fat even can increase up to two times more and it means you can not be eating as much but u still gain wight that's a sign of you not having enough amount of water .
-over exertion :
if you feel tired all the time and feel dead and nothing seems to work drink water as it gives your body the boost to work the right way.
now after reading this i believe that you realize how important water is so lets get started with the diet :
this is very simple and you will lose wight weakly if you stick to it and you can use it for life there is no harm and no food restrictions at all (even though i promote healthy food) .
step one: 
drink your wight ,simply weigh your self and for every kilo
take one cup of water convert the pounds to kilos the kilo is bigger than the pound , 120pound is almost 60kj and so that is six cups of water and so on .
those are your must cups to drink under any circumstances you can not not drink them .
- step two :
a glass of water or two is a must 30 minutes before any main meal .
- step three :
any thing sweet you eat you drink water before you eat it and after you finish it .
same goes for salty things such as fries or pizza or something fatty ofc also it depends on the amount if you will eat more than one peace than you will increase your before and after cups if it is 2 peaces the its a total of 4 cups 2 before and tow after and so on .
 if you want to snack then one cup after some candy or a peace of chocolate is a must.
and that is it if this is confusing for you just remember to drink water every single time you eat.
keep the water bottle near you at all times , sodas are not water so they don't count , coffee either , or black tea , you may drink 2-4 cups of green tea with ginger instead of 2 cups of water but not more than 5 cups of green tea and split them throw out the day .



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