Stop changing your body: body positive movement


body positive movement

In today’s article I will be talking to you about being body positive and how that is important.

Pressure to look perfect

hasn’t been bigger than now. Everyday we consume instagram, and let’s be honest we see there everything, but real. From people facetunning their photos to getting multiple surgeries done just for instagram. From outside it seems all perfect, and it seems all these people have perfect lives and perfect body, but guess what not everything is real. They might look so much different in real life so you can let go of this pressure. Social media has great opportunities, but it also gave us more insecurities, and it really needs to stop.

woman body positive movement

Rise of social media resulted

in rise of plastic surgeries. You see your favourite instagram model, and she talks about getting something done, what does this do to you? You want to get this done too, because you look up to her. And this is the problem of course these people shouldn’t really be mentioning it or promoting it, but you should also not do everything they do.

It is like this if she didn’t mention it you probably would never even though of doing it, but because she said it, and you looking at her photos gave you even more motivation it gave you insecurity, and that is it perfect trap. But it is not really your fault or person who promoted this idea to you it is bigger source, it is society. I am going to explain in detail in upcoming article what that really means. But see they are gaining so much from creating insecurities in you.

Nowadays you can get

surgery on anything, and that is why society is able to gain from it so much. Back 100 years ago no one did anything on themselves, because it wasn’t advanced as it is today, and trust me they didn’t have insecurities and they were just fine. The society wasn’t able to gain from them so if they were fine you can be fine too.


It is only

because you think you need it. But you don’t really need it! See even if you have flat ass it is better than having fake big ass. It is better not doing it if the reason you are doing it is to hide your insecurities and show off on social media. I am not 100% against plastic surgeries, but feel most of times I would be. See most people do it, because they are unhappy with their bodies, and it is not really that they are unhappy most of us can live knowing with not like some parts of our bodies, but it is the reasons like showing on social media, or for girlfriend or boyfriend that makes us go through with it.

Let’s say you have uneven nose,

and you are fine having that and accepted it, but I can just imagine how annoy it can be. I would totally get you getting a nose job done for that reason. But let’s say all of your friends have big boobs, but you don’t and you look like ugly ducklin in front of them I would not agree with you getting your boobs done. In this case learn to be okay you are different from your friends, and it is okay. Look it is amazing we can basically fix anything, but use it for the right reasons. Learn that it is better to have something not perfect, but real than something fake, but I guess perfect in a way.

beautiful women body positive movement


And yes sometimes it is fine to get some things done, but make sure you okay with your entire body the way it is. Don’t feed our messed up society. Be brave and be happy the way you are even if it doesn’t seem all perfect. Be happy with your flaws and your good parts too. We are all beautiful no matter what!

Body positive means learning to love your body, and accepting it how it is. It is okay to have bad days, and not feel the best or beautiful, but always remind kind to your body. Join me with body positive movement write down in comments what you admire about your body, and then keep reading that every morning when you wake up

Reminder: always love your body!

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