9 Unspoken rules about finding workout for you
Starting to workout
from stretch is never easy. You and our body are getting used to it and it can sometimes be hard to push yourself. So many are quick to give up too soon before they even see any results. But sometimes it is not even you, it is the workout that you are doing that made you give up. So many times we tend to start doing certain workout because the company advertised it as being easy and that you will see quick results, which can't be true. That workout might be easy for some people, but hard for others. Also if someone said to you, you will see results quickly they are laying to you.
Your body needs time to
adjust itself to this lifestyle so it will never be quick. It will take at least 3 months for you to see the results. So we chose the workout that was advertised to us instead of trying out many workouts and see what you enjoy the most. Because when you do workouts that you really enjoy, you won't give up. It won't matter to you if you see results or not. Just think about it, anything you do that you enjoy, do you really care how quickly you see results? I am sure your answer is no, because enjoying what you are doing is enough. So now you are wondering but how do I find workout for me? Well I got you, I made list of unspoken rules that will help you in a way to find workout for you:
Don't look for workout for quick weight loss:
Your goal for working out should never be to loss weight. First if you have mindset like this one, you will never see results. Being too focused on something can never be good. Also this goal is coming from place of having negative thoughts about your body and that will never help you with seeing results. If you feel negative about your body, you need to work on overcoming the negativity before you start working out.
Remember your body
has been there for you from day one and has been there with you for bad and good things and never left you. Appreciate it and also know that your body is designed just perfectly for you. When you are happy with how you look, you will more likely lose weight. Instead of looking for workout for quick weight loss, look for workout that will get you in shape and make you stronger. Seeking for workout that will always get you excited. Working out is more than just losing weight, it can do even more for you!
You can't know what workout is for you, if you never tried anything. Before I found my workout I tried so many so just wasn't having any fun. But trying out different workouts will give you idea what you don't like, so this will help you with finding your workout. Be aware how you are feeling during that workout. Are you counting minutes when the workout will be over? When it is yes, well that workout for sure is not for you. Of course give that workout a week before quitting, but don't be afraid of quitting because if you are not enjoying the workout it is not worth it.
Write down your strengths and weaknesses:
When you used to sports when you are younger or at the gym class what was something you were good at. For example were you very strong or more flexible? And also look at it right now what do you feel are your strenghts and weaknesses? Knowing that can also help you find your workout. Because you are more likely to enjoy doing something that you are good at and that comes easy to you instead of something you are not good at.
Be in the environment:
What I mean by this, is go to the gym and feel that energy, go to the park where people workout. If you have group of friends who workout, ask them to workout together. See what they are doing and ask them why they like these workouts. Hearing from other people can also help you out. And being in this environment can also open your eyes to what workout you are going to enjoy. I would even take view classes and this way you can experiment and but also feel this energy.
Become closer to your body:
As I said before you even think about working out, you need to accept your body. You need to accept that you body is beautiful no matter what. You should never start working out in hopes to love your body, that should come before working out. You need to take time to learn to accept and love your body the way it is. And also you should also get to know your body, learn how to listen to your body and its needs. Because our bodies are constantly telling us things, but not everyone can hear their body. It is important to listen to your body, to know when your body had enough. When you are able to listen to your body, you can also easily find the workout for you because your body will be obvious if that workout is for you or not.
Learn from experts:
Go online, search on google, search blogs and on social media for fitness experts. People who are well known in this industry. Of course so many assume they are experts when they clearly are not, but I feel you will know if they are experts or not. By what they are saying and also by what others are saying about them. Listen to what they have to say. See what they have to say is great workout for example for introverts or extroverts. Or maybe great workouts for someone who wants to build muscles or wants to get into shape. This for sure will bring you closer to finding your workout.
Write down your goals:
By knowing your goals you will know where to look for your workout. You really need to set your goals straight otherwise you will be all over the place. Is your goal to get fit then you would look for this type of workouts, you will go and search for trainers that offer these kind of workouts.
Do research before:
There are so many people offering workouts and giving you empty promises, please don't follow for it. Do research and find the experts for these kind of workouts and then do research on these experts how well known are they and how successful their programs are. Because anyone can say their program is successful, but that doesn't mean it is true.
Finding your workout will be a process, it will take time but it is well worth it. Always getting excited before every workout is just such an amazing feeling. Never missing another workout because you enjoy it so much, therefore you will see results quicker. The workouts won't feel like workouts anymore, it will feel like hobby you really enjoy doing. And after workout you will feel good for being productive and will have so much energy. Hopefully this will help you find your workout so you can get started.
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