Menstrual pads should be given for free and condom should be sold


Menstrual pads should be given for free and condom should be sold

I read the following tweet:

"CONDOMS should be sold and menstrual pads should be given for free. Sex is a choice and MENSTRUATION isn't. Young girls without money are suffering out here. Should I go deeper?"

This tweet got

me to think and it is partly true. As women or anyone, who gets period you are used to getting period, and then having to buy pads or tampons. But is it right though? I guess they think hygiene, especially when it comes to women is a luxury. If you are poor sorry boo, you have to be dirty and get effections not my problem. I am being funny, but it really feels like that. Making me pay for pad really feels like that.

menstrual pads female

There are so many

founds and you are telling me you can't find system, where I can get menstrual pads for free. Females are born with period, like of course they don't get it right when they are born, but eventually. We can't escape it or ignore it, because we will get effections if we don't use pads. Usually woman has to change menstrual pads every couple of hours and period lasts around 2 to 5 days, when you calculate this it is a big number. Not everyone can afford it and why should we have to? Period supplies are so expensive, considering that it is something a woman needs. We shouldn't have to pay for something we need to basically survive, because you can really get sick if, not using pads during period trust me.

Before you continue reading comment down below what you think abut this:

menstrual pads pink

Now to the second thing:

It was sad, how condoms should be sold, that sex is a choice. Well yes sex is a choice in a way, but also not. Many of us do need sex, as humans we have desire to sex. Yes sex is definitely something we can hold on, but why should we? And making us pay for condoms, won't make us have less sex, but will make us have more unsafe sex, is that what you want? Making us pay for condoms, will just promote more unsafe sex. Do you really think, if we can't pay for pad, we can pay for condoms?

Making us pay for condoms,

will just result in more unplanned pregnancies or diseases. Unplanned pregnancies is something many have issues with, because it most likely results into abortion. As I said I never have problem with someone having an abortion, but if there is a way to prevent it of course it is better. If you get abortion, it can result in you having regrets, and that can have impact on your mental health, and second what I know abortion can be painful. So why not prevent this from happening, and also when so many of you are against abortion, I guess that would be in your interest too.

I see that both

menstrual pads and condoms are important for your health and both should be give for free. We live in society, where our health is being undervalued, which so wrong. They very much worry about profit, but not so much about people. There is a way, to have both give for free and it should be give for free.


Reminder: Your needs are important, and you should get them for free!

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x.o Nakedlydressed



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