How to discover your own personal style?


How to discover your own personal style?

The meaning

behind fashion is expressing yourself through your clothes, but I feel this meaning got lost in translation. Nowadays instead of focusing on how to express yourself through your clothes, we trend to focus on what is trend and how to impress others. You shouldn't be wearing something to impress someone, or because it is something many are wearing at the moment. It is not wrong to get inspired by latest trends, but then put your own twist to it so it aligns with you.

There are many

disadvantages of wearing something that doesn't align with you and your personality and I will be telling you all about it in upcoming article. Because we are too focused on trends, finding our personal style can first be very difficult and can cause you to cloud your decision. It is important to find what truly is your personal style, because when something aligns with you, you feel more comfortable therefore you will feel more confident wearing it. If you were wondering why you seem so insecure, maybe rethink your personal style.

If something aligns with you,

it will anyways be stylish, because being yourself will never go out of the style. Here you won't be getting how to style latest trends, but how to style according to you and your personality. Latest trends are only trendy if they fit your personality. If you love bright colours, we support it, we support anything as long as it is true to yourself. So now where do we start? How do we find our personal style?

Finding personal style can be really easy, just in view simple steps in you have it, so let's go:

personal style

Get to know yourself:

This one is the most important. If you don't know who you truly are, you can't really know what is your personal style. Dive deep into yourself ask yourself questions like:

-What do I like/enjoy doing?

-What words describe me? (Not how you like to be described, but how you really are)

-What makes me happy?

-Ask your friends and family to describe you?

-What makes me unique? (And don't even say nothing is special about me, everyone is unique in their own way)

Getting to know yourself and knowing who you truly are will play important role in finding your own personal style. Try also to be aware what you are doing during the same, some small habits you have, how to interact with people, what makes you nerves or stressed.

quote about loving yourself

Learn to love yourself:

After you got to know yourself on a deeper level, you got to work on loving yourself. In this part you got to be open and accepting. I also have to mention that in part of getting to know yourself, you can't be convincing yourself to be someone you are not, just because you rather be that. In the long run it will don't be good for you. You got to be open to fully knowing your true self. Learning to love yourself can be really difficult so some people, so be patience. High light some unique qualities you have, and try saying affirmations like "I love and accept myself" and learn to embrace all the imperfections about yourself. If you don't love yourself, you will always be focusing how to dress to impress instead of dressing to express yourself.

personal style girly

Get inspired by others:

As I said before, getting inspired by others is all good. By getting inspired by others you will get some good ideas to try out and see what aligns with you the most. Try pieces that resonate with you the most and wear them with view outfits and see how it feels like. Great way to find out if it is you or not, is by taking pictures of outfits in which you wore the piece and ask your family and friends if they think it aligns with you. Another great way is after wearing the outfit and seeing the photos you took and writing down how this outfit makes you feel. If you for example have a piece and can't even put together outfit with this piece, it is a sign it is not for you. Just play around and see what feels good for you. It is also important for you to feel comfortable in this piece so make sure you feel this way.

high light your personality style

Style pieces that will high light your personality:

Your style should high light your personality not someone else's. Now that you got to know yourself, and your personality you should be able to know what aligns with your personality. So take for example a leather jacket and make view different outfits with it and see what suits you the most, what outfits screams you. In this part it could also be useful taking pictures and then really looking it and thinking what suits you.

write down personal style

Write it down:

Your style can also change from time to time. Sit down and write down how you are feeling, what are your goals at the moment. All of these can influence your style. Because how someone feels can influence how they dress, because this is also how you express yourself through your emotions. It is great to have a diary where you can write weekly how you feel, so you can change up your style according to how you feel.

Fashion is

not about what you wear, but how it makes you feel. Does it describe me or someone else? In order to find your personal style you have to get to know yourself and love and accept yourself. Otherwise this won't be your personal style, and you won't feel good in it. People love to pretend to be someone else, because our society makes us feel we are not good enough. But don't you get it, every time you didn't pretend people were more drawn to you. Pretending is not a plus in any aspect of your life.

I always loved glittery

clothes, so one time I bought myself this glitter sneakers. I was so happy to wear them at work, but when I got there my back then best friend totally made fun of it, but I didn't care because I loved how it looked. I knew I was being true to myself and no one could hurt my feelings. This is why you shouldn't be pretending, because people won't be able to insult you when you are being yourself and confident in who you are.

Let's enjoy who we are and let's enjoy even more making outfits according to ourselves, no putting masks, we are not about that fake life!

Reminder: Don't stress out too much about shopping!

Read our latest articles:

10 Reasons I'm Feminist

Everything you need to know about body positivity

Shopping Expectation Vs Reality

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x.o Nakedlydressed


Everything you need to know about body positivity


Everything you need to know about body positivity

We live in society, where they try so hard to make you feel bad about yourself. They make you think your body is not good enough, just so they can gain something from you. They want you to be insecure about your body, so you go and get things done to yourself, or buys pills or programs to look enough in their eyes. It is so wrong to make someone feel they are not good enough, just so you get something from it. And it is so easy to follow into this trap and even harder to get out of this trap. You got to be aware of what is happening and to always keep telling yourself you are good enough, and sometimes that can be hard and challenging. Let's be honest most of us have been there at some point of our lives and sometimes it seems so impossible to get out of it. But luckily there is beautiful movement called "Body positivity" that will help you out with that. A movement that did wonderful things to many and can do the same to you too. So in today's article I will be covering the following:

body positivity

What's body positivity

Why it is good for you

How you can practice it

P.S  this is collaboration with thatnastsyfeminist so this article has two parts, she will be talking about body neutrality, make sure to read entire article to find out where to go to read part 2. If you have been enjoying my content, you will enjoy her content too, her aesthetic is everything. Just take a look at her blog and instagram, they are too beautiful! 

Pause: Comment down below what you think is body positivity?

quotes about body positive

What's body positivity:

We live in society, that thinks in their mind ideal body size is good enough. Their ideal body size is skinny, but also not too skinny, so anything else is just not good enough. Our society only celebrates in their mind the ideal body size and shames everything else. What our society fails to realise is that we are not designed to have their ideal body size. We are all different and our bodies are different. It is not possible to have the ideal body size and also it would be boring too. But sadly because of the way our society thinks, many people feel bad about themselves and feel they are not good enough. They also develop very unhealthy relationship with their body, which can't be good for anyone. But also I get it, when you keep hearing it, of course you would think it is true.

Body positivity movement was created to empower and shed light on plus size women and men or any type of body that is not considered ideal body type. It is trying to destroy the false beliefs that our society created regarding our bodies. The movement avocados the acceptance of all bodies regardless of physical ability, size, gender, race, or appearance.

Goals of body positivity are:

  • destroying false beliefs our society has about our bodies
  • encouraging the acceptance of all bodies
  • help people build the confidence and acceptance of their own bodies
  • addressing unrealistic body standards

Body positivity focuses on teaching people to have healthy relationship with their bodies. By making them see beauty in their bodies and making them see unrealistic things they were taught by society. Teaching them for example that food is not an enemy, rather your bodies friend and that we shouldn't be afraid of food. Or exercise even though it is seem as something good for you , body positivity teaches people that you don't have to exercise. It high lights the importance of doing things that make you feel good, not making you do something. Body positivity is all about seeing the beauty in yourself and your imperfections.

body positivity quotes

Pause: Comment down below why you think body positivity is good for you?

Why is body positivity good for you?

Not feeling good about your body, can damage yourself more than you think. When you don't enjoy who are you or how you look, it will make you very unhappy. You will end up being in very dark place that can lead to depression. Or not loving your body can lead to eat disorder, which will damage your health. Having low self-esteem and not feeling good about yourself can't be good for anyone, so there is when body positivity movement can really make difference for you. Having someone teach you that what you been taught about your body is false, and teach you that your body is enough will help you so much. Seeing all types of bodies being celebrated, will make you feel good about yourself. And not only will you feel good about yourself, but your confidence will increase so much. It has been proven that more confidence you have, the more you are willing to do things. When you have low-esteem you miss out on things while having confidence you are willing to do more things. Reading about it, watching and observing body positivity will make you love your body. You won't be able to hate yourself, because of all the positivity and that is why body positivity movement is so powerful.

Good things about body positivity:

  • Loving and accepting your body has been proven to decrease a chance of having a depression
  • Body dissatisfaction has big impact on self-esteem, so practicing body positivity will improve your self-esteem
  • Body positivity can also prevent eating-disorder and we all know eating-disorder is just very unhealthy
  • Increasing your confidence, you will be worrying less what others things about you, and in general having more happy and healthy life

Before reading, comment down below: give us some ideas how to practice body positivity?

body image quotes

How to practice body positivity:

Yes you love this movement, and you are very impressed by it, but you don't know how to start with it? How do you start applying it into your life? Because the movement is amazing, but it won't do anything unless you start applying it and are willing to do so.


I think affirmations are one of the easiest, but yet the most powerful way of practicing body positivity. Go to Pinterest and search affirmations and pick the once that resonate with you the most. I would say pick 5 to 10 affirmations and then save it on your phone or make a board for it. The great thing about Pinterest is when you search affirmations, they will keep showing more and more, so you can always new affirmations. After you saved 5 to 10 affirmations, you will be reading them every morning before your breakfast. Saying positive words to yourself even though you might not fully believe at that moment, will over time shift your beliefs into believing it.

quote about loving yourself

Follow accounts on social media that promote body positivity:

We need to be aware who we follow on social media. We spend a lot of time on social media, and we need to be only following accounts that make us feel good about ourselves. Seeing posts about loving your body and telling you all bodies are beautiful, will eventually shift your views on your body too. What you consume is going to impact how you think, so be aware of who you are following. Some can be amazing creator, but if they are not serving you well, you don't need to follow them.

follow accounts that inspire you

Drop all the expectations how your body should be:

Your body is here for you, to hold you, and shouldn't be one way or another. It is your body and only body you will ever get, and you just need to accept it. Not only accept it when it looks good, but to always accept it. Learn to see beauty in your imperfections!

body positivity quote

Stop comparing yourself to others:

One of the biggest mistakes you can make, is comparing yourself to others. Like we are all different and you can't have her body and she can't have yourself. So comparing yourself to others will just give you unrealistic expectations, and will end up making you feel bad about yourself. Instead of comparing yourself to others, how about you admire unique things about others and then mention unique things you admire about yourself.

stop comparing yourself

Throw stupid fashion rules in the trash:

Our society made up this stupid rules like fat people can't wear short skirts, or too revealing clothing. Also apparently bikinis, tank tops or crop tops are forbidden for people who are fat, like what? How about you mind your own business! If you feel like wearing bikini go for it. True fashionista will know, when it comes to fashion you can make anything work doesn't matter how you look. Fashion doesn't discriminate, it is the society that made up this stupid rules. So let's unlearn this stupid rules, and wear what we want!

love your body

Have go to strategies when negative self-talk hits:

You can be the most confident person on this earth, but you will still sometimes deal with negative mindset and negative voices in your head. It is part of being a human, it is hard to control your mind. Even if you are very positive person, your mind observes what it hears and sees, and sadly you live in society that loves to bring people down, so sometimes you mind will be negative because of this. You got to have view sentences you can tell yourself when this happens for example:" I am enough". You can also use for example bracelet that will remind you, you are enough. Whatever will make negative mindset go away, use it!

negative self-talk

Consume everything body positivity:

You should be reading books about body positivity, watching movies about body positivity and listening to body positivity podcast. The more you consume the most effect it will be. You won't be able to hate your body after consuming so much positivity. Check out my instagram stories, to find out great podcasts, movies and books about body positivity.

podcast about body positive

Take care of your body:

Nothing says more loving my body by taking care of it. Your body will feel good when you take care of it. If you feel too overwhelmed, take a break and take a day for yourself. Feed your body with quality food, and no that doesn't mean having a toxic diet, but giving yourself a quality food. Also move your body, go walking or whatever exercise you prefer, and this is not promoting losing weight, but promoting healthy lifestyle. You don't need to workout, but moving your body is a must. And of course taking care of your hygiene is also a must.

Body positivity is such a beautiful movement, that can help you improve yourself and your body image. Having healthy relationship with your body, will help you in so many ways. You really just got to start applying this movement to your life, because after you start applying it you can't never go back. But body positivity movement is not only movement out there, that can help you when you are struggling with body image. There is movement called body neutrality, that can help you feel good about your body, and you can learn all about it on thatnastsyfeminist's blog post:

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We did this collaboration in hopes to teach you guys about these two powerful and meaningful movements that can help you with you body image. I had so much fun doing this collaboration with this wonderful and unapologetic feminist that I can't get enough of. If you haven't checked her out yet, you are really missing out on something wonderful so make sure to check her out

Comment down below what movement is better suit for you? 

Reminder: Your body is always beautiful

Read our latest articles:

Contraceptives Pros and Cons of 15 Methods

The Evolution of denim jacket

10 Reasons I'm Feminist

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x.o Nakedlydressed

10 Reasons I'm Feminist


Reasons I'm Feminist

Although some people strongly disagree with feminists I see true power in feminism. Being feminist isn't just for women, it is for all of us. It is shaping us to be better versions of ourselves, and to think for ourselves and not what we are taught to believe. Feminism is also helping us fix the messed up system we live in, that will eventually be beneficial for all of us. Everyone earning enough money, plus working less which means more freedom, isn't this beneficial for all of us? If you would be more open minded, you would see the beauty of feminism. Anyways here are some reasons I'm feminist and think everyone else should be too:

-The belief that women shouldn't be smarter than men and if you are no man will want  you is the reasons I'm feminist:

We are all smart in our own unique ways, and women are smart too. The belief that a woman who is a smart is no good for any man is ridiculous. Feminism is showing that this is not true, and you can find a man when you are smart. Having a smart woman around him is priceless and every man's biggest dream trust me!

smarter reasons feminist


-Because even though I am not too worried about, many women are scared to walk alone at certain time:

Yes this world is crazy, that a human being has to worry about walking alone at the night. It is not okay, what if she wants to walk by herself sometimes? She can't do this, because our society allowed men to become aggressive towards women, so now women are too scared. Feminism is fighting this issue by helping women be more confident and bringing awareness to men and that being aggressive is not cute.

feminist walking alone

-Because a woman in a room full of men is terrified is the reasons I'm feminist:

If a man is in a room full of woman, he is loving his life feeling his is the start, but when is other way around it is different story. Men make us feel uncomfortable, they make us feel less and they don't take us seriously. We shouldn't be afraid to walk in the room full of men, we should own this shit. But even confident woman would feel scared, because they make you feel this way. Feminism is teaching women to not be afraid and own their power.

the future is feminist

-Because women's value shouldn't be based on her sexual history:

Yes it is disgusting how they value us based on our sexual history. My sexual history is only my business and regardless what I have done sexually it doesn't define me who I am as a person. We are all different and what we do sexually is different others and that is fine, we are allowed to do whatever feels right. Feminism taught me that what I did sexually doesn't define me, and that I am still worthy regardless of what I did.

her worth quote

-Because of sexist comments:

To be disrespectful to a woman just because she is a woman is not okay. To discriminate her with your rude comments is not acceptable. Sexism has been in our society for long time and needs to go aways. Feminism is fighting this huge issue we have be dealing with.

sexist comments reasons why I'm feminist

-People like to shame women for focusing on their careers:

Woman can focus on her career is up to her. She doesn't have to do anything society wants her to do. It is all up to her, and no one has right to shame her for it. It this is what she wants, she is doing the right thing.

girl boss

-Because being called a "girl" is considered a bad thing:

Our society likes to make girls seems like they are weak, not able to succeed or do anything in life, which is so false. All humans are amazing and regardless if you are man or a woman, you should be proud of it. No one should shame you for being that.

we are women

-Because it is more humiliating to be raped than to be a rapist:

When woman gets raped it is all her fault, they consider her dirty and not pure anymore. But they never shame rapist and it is never really his fault. If he raped her, her being dirty is all in his hands. She couldn't control it, he forced her to do it so making her feel shitty is not okay.  Feminism is fighting this mindset so people consider rapist as dirty and not the victim.

rape culture

-Because no one should be afraid of losing their job, because they call out their bosses for harassment:

No one should be harasst by their boss. That is not okay, and this totally isn't nice working environment. Bosses should learn not to harass their employees, it is not acceptable. Everyone has right to call out their boss for bad behaviour without losing their job.

harassment at work place

-Because young girls are worrying more about how much eating instead of enjoying their youth:

Our society is giving young girls unrealistic beauty standers. Young girls are way too young to be worrying about how much they eat. They shouldn't even care about it, as long as you enjoy what you are eating who really cares. We shouldn't change ourselves, because our society thinks the only way you are beautiful is if you are skinny. We are all beautiful in our own unique ways and we don't need to change, our society needs to change! Feminism is helping beautiful young girls accept themselves and love for who they are.

diet culture

Being a feminist is something

I am really proud of. Feminism is opening eyes to so many, and helping them in so many ways. They helping so many feel better about themselves, it is freeing them over ridiculous pressure our society puts us on. It is wonderful community to be part of and I entourage everyone to join and be feminist. You can simply join by just being your true self.

Reminder: Always stay true to yourself

Read our latest articles:

Contraceptives Quiz: How Much Do You Actually Know About Contraceptives?

Contraceptives Pros and Cons of 15 Methods

The Evolution of denim jacket

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x.o Nakedlydressed

Contraceptives Pros and Cons of 15 Methods


Contraceptives Pros and Cons: 15 Methods

This is a follow up to the last week's article. So what about contraceptives and pros and cons, which one do I take? What are side effect, what are pro's? All of these factors makes it hard to choose and most of women have really hard time choosing the right one. There are so many informations out there about contraceptives, that you don't know what is true and what is not. Sometimes even doctors will advise you to the most effective contraceptives instead of to advise you the best suit for you and your situation. I get it, the struggle is real. But don't worry I am here to make it easy for you. I will lay down everything for you, so you know the entire truth and can then really chose the best for you.

With contraceptives it is hard because yes some are more effective and just in theory yes that should be the best for you, but it is not as simple as that. Let's say you had unproductive sex and want to take Plan B because Plan B is the most effective in this situation and that is all true. But what if you are someone who anyways has hard time with period, very painful and you can't handle even more pain. Plan B is known to cause more pain during the period and give you irregular period for a while. Even though that is the most effective, some women don't want to risk having even more pain and that is fine. Everyone's preferences are different and that is part of life. For this type of person abortion pill would probably be a better choice in case she did get pregnant.

So because everyone has different preferences, before I start I want you do the following:

-Write down your goal for contraceptives or I guess why you need contraceptives: Is it to prevent you to get pregnant, is it because you might have trouble with period or something else, it can be for many reasons

-What is something you want or don't want?: Do you currently have bad periods and don't want to make it worse? Are you trying to avoid taking pills are want to take alternatives to pills? Do you want contraceptives without health side effects?

It is better and much easier for you to write down goals and things you want or not so then you know exactly which contraceptives to get when reading the pro and cons.

Contraceptive Implant

Contraceptives Pros and Cons: Contraceptive Implant (99.9% Effective)

The implant is about the size of a thin matchstick and is inserted under the skin of the upper arm using local anaesthetic. It contains the hormone progestogen, which prevents the ovary from releasing an egg and thickens the cervical mucus (also known as discharge) to act as a barrier to sperm.


:: Once fitted you don’t have to think about contraception and it does not interfere with sex.

:: Once you put it, it can last for three years, but you can remove it at any time by a doctor or nurse and normal fertility will return.

:: Using implant is ensuring you highly effective protection against pregnancy. If implanted correctly, it’s more than 99% effective. 

:: If you know you don't want to get pregnant for while it can be very useful method.

:: It’s useful for women who can’t use contraception that contains oestrogen and for those who find it hard to remember to take a pill daily. 


:: At first, you may feel some bruising, tenderness or swelling around the implant. 

:: In the first year after the implant is fitted, your periods may become irregular, lighter, heavier or longer - although this usually settles down after the first year.

:: A common side effect of the implant is that your periods stop completely. 

:: Some medications can make the implant less effective. Therefore additional contraceptive precautions need to be followed when you are taking these medications.

IUS Contraceptives

Contraceptives Pros and Cons: IUS (99.8% Effective)

An IUS is a small plastic T-shaped device that continuously releases a small amount of the hormone progestogen, which interferes with implantation and thickens cervical mucus to act as a barrier to sperm. 

It requires a simple procedure, carried out by a doctor or nurse, to insert it into the uterus. Two brands of IUS used in the UK are Mirena and Jaydess.


:: Once it has been fitted you don’t have to think about contraception and it does not interfere with sex.

:: Great news or not for periods. Periods may become lighter or stop altogether. 

:: This method can last for five years but can be removed at any time by a doctor or nurse and normal fertility will return.

:: IUS isn’t affected by any other medicines. 


:: You may experience unpredictable bleeding in the first few months of use.

:: There is a low risk of an ectopic pregnancy, but only if you happen to become pregnant while using an IUS - which is very unlikely. “Although the risk is low, if you are using an IUD or IUS and you think you might be pregnant and/or have a sudden or unusual pain in your lower abdomen, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible

Contraceptives Pros and Cons

Contraceptives Pros and Cons: Intrauterine Device / IUD / Coil (99.2% Effective)

An IUD is a small, T-shaped piece of flexible plastic and copper that is fitted inside the uterus by a doctor or nurse. The copper is toxic to sperm.


:: Once fitted you don’t have to think about contraception and it does not interfere with sex.

:: It can be left in place for up to 10 years but can be removed at any time by a doctor or nurse and normal fertility will return.

:: It’s suitable for people who are unable to use hormonal methods.

:: IUD isn’t affected by any other medicines. 

:: An IUD can also be used as emergency contraception and is more effective at preventing pregnancy than taking an emergency pill. 


:: In contrast to the IUS, periods may become heavier, longer or more painful. However, according to FPA, this can improve after a few months. 

:: There is a low risk of an ectopic pregnancy, but only if you happen to become pregnant while using an IUD.

injection Contraceptives Pros and Cons

Contraceptives Pros and Cons: Contraceptive Injection (94% Effective)

An injectable form of the hormone progestogen, which prevents the ovary from releasing an egg. 

The injection is another long-acting method which lasts for 13 weeks. It’s highly effective if you use it according to instructions and always have your next injection at the right time.

If you don’t always do this then it’s less effective – the way it’s typically used means around six in 100 injection-users become pregnant in a year.


:: It does not interfere with sex and you don’t have to think about contraception for three months after injection.

:: Contraceptive Injection may reduce heavy painful periods and help with premenstrual symptoms for some women.

:: This isn’t affected by any other medicines.


:: You could experience unpredictable bleeding, however periods usually become lighter or stop altogether.

:: You may gain weght with this method, but not all women do.

:: The injection takes 12 weeks to leave the body if side effects do occur.

:: It can take up to a year for fertility to return to normal after using it, which means it’s not suitable if you want to get pregnant in the near future.

Combined Pill

Contraceptives Pros and Cons: Combined Pill / The Pill (91% Effective)

The pill is made of synthetic hormones similar to those found naturally in a woman’s body. It works by preventing the ovary from releasing an egg. 

“The combined pill is still one of the most commonly used methods of contraception and is often one of the few methods on offer from GP surgeries,” says Nakita Halil.

It must be taken daily to prevent pregnancy, at the same time of day.


:: It usually makes bleeds regular, lighter and less painful.

:: Studies have found that it reduces the risk of cancer of the ovary, uterus and colon.

:: Normal fertility returns as soon as you stop using it.


:: According to Halil, there can be a range of side-effects such as headaches, nausea, mood changes and breast tenderness.

:: It can have some serious side-effects in a small number of women, such as a blood clot, heart attack or stroke, but these aren’t common.

:: Missing a pill, vomiting or severe diarrhoea can make it less effective.

:: May not be suitable if you smoke and are over 35 years old.

:: Some types of medicine might make it less effective, including ones used to treat epilepsy, HIV and TB, and the complementary medicine St John’s Wort.

Mini Pill

Contraceptives Pros and Cons: Mini Pill / Progestogen-Only Pill (91% Effective)

The progestogen-only pill (also known as the mini pill) is also taken at the same time, every day. Unlike with the combined pill, there is no seven-day break.

According to BPAS, there are two types of progestogen-only pills: both thicken the cervical mucus to prevent the sperm from reaching the egg, some also prevent the ovary from releasing an egg each month. 


:: Unlike the combined pill, the mini pill doesn’t contain oestrogen so it’s useful for women who can’t use the hormone.

:: Mini Pill can be used if you smoke and are over 35 years old.

:: It can help with premenstrual symptoms and painful periods.

:: This does not interfere with sex.

:: Normal fertility returns as soon as you stop using it.


:: It can cause irregular bleeding. 

:: Missing a pill, vomiting or severe diarrhoea can make it less effective.

:: It must be taken at the same time every day to work properly.

:: Some types of medicine might make it less effective, including ones used to treat epilepsy, HIV and TB, and the complementary medicine St John’s Wort.

Contraceptive Patch

Contraceptives Pros and Cons: Contraceptive Patch (91% Effective)

A lesser-known contraceptive, the 4cm square plastic patch sticks to the skin and releases hormones into the bloodstream.

Unlike the pill, which is taken daily, new patches are usually applied weekly.


:: Contraceptive Patch does not interfere with sex.

:: It won't cause you vomiting and diarrhoea.

:: Periods may become regular, lighter and less painful.

:: Normal fertility returns when you stop using it.


:: It may be seen on the skin or cause skin reactions.

:: Be careful, it can fall off without you noticing.

:: May not be suitable if you smoke and are over 35 years old. 

:: Some types of medicine might make it less effective, including ones used to treat epilepsy, HIV and TB, and the complementary medicine St John’s Wort.

Vaginal Ring

Contraceptives Pros and Cons: Vaginal Ring (91% Effective)

A flexible, transparent, plastic ring which a woman places inside the vagina herself (like a tampon). It is left in place for three weeks and then removed, at which point a woman will usually then have her period. One week later, users add a new ring and start the cycle again. 

This method of contraception releases the same hormones used in the combined pill, which prevent the ovary from releasing an egg.


:: Vaginal Ring does not interfere with sex.

:: You don’t have to have to think about it everyday.

:: It is not affected by vomiting and diarrhoea.

:: Periods may become regular, lighter and less painful.

:: Normal fertility returns when you stop using it.


:: It may not be suitable if you smoke and are over 35 years old. 

:: In rare instances it may fall out during sexual intercourse or while straining during a bowel movement.

:: It has been associated with an increased risk of blood clots, stroke or heart attack. Anyone with a history of these conditions or any condition that makes your blood more likely to clot should avoid using it.

:: According to vaginal ring manufacturer NuvaRing, the most common side effects are: irritation inside the vagina or on the cervix, headache (including migraine), mood changes, the ring slipping out or causing discomfort, nausea and vomiting, vaginal discharge, weight gain, vaginal discomfort, breast pain or discomfort, painful menstrual periods, abdominal pain, acne and less sexual desire.

:: Some types of medicine might make it less effective, including ones used to treat epilepsy, HIV and TB, and the complementary medicine St John’s Wort.

Diaphragm And Cervical Caps

Contraceptives Pros and Cons: Diaphragm And Cervical Caps (88% Effective)

Diaphragms are circular domes made of thin, soft latex or silicone with a flexible rim, while cervical caps are smaller and are made of latex or silicone. They are barrier methods of contraception, which means they prevent sperm and egg from meeting.

They fit inside the vagina and cover the cervix (the entrance to the womb).


:: You only need to use them when you have sex.

:: They have no serious health risks or side effects.


:: To be effective, diaphragms and caps need to be used with a spermicide. This can be messy to use and some people can be sensitive to it.

:: They come in different shapes and sizes, so you will need to see a doctor or nurse first to ensure it fits correctly. 

:: You need to learn how to use it to cover the cervix properly.

Male Condoms

Contraceptives Pros and Cons: Male Condoms (82% Effective)

”Male condoms (also known as external condoms) are still one of the most popular methods not least because they also help protect you from sexually transmitted infections and they are so widely available,” says Nikita Halil.

“People often don’t know that they come in a range of shapes and sizes and it’s worth experimenting to find one that feels good to you.”


:: It will protect you against sexually transmitted infections as well as pregnancy.

:: They are good for people who don’t want to use hormonal methods.

:: Male condoms aren’t expensive, are easy to access and you can often get them for free.

:: The condom come in different shapes, sizes and flavours, which can make sex more fun.


:: You have to interrupt sex to put one on.

:: It can split or slip off.

:: Oil-based products (like body oils, hand creams and vaseline) can damage the latex and make the condom more likely to split. So always use water-based lubricants.

Female Condoms

Contraceptives Pros and Cons: Female Condoms (79% Effective)

”Female condoms are the only other method that help protect you from sexually transmitted infections,” says Halil.

“They’re not as popular or widely available as male condoms but are another choice if you can’t use hormonal methods.”


:: Unlike male condoms, they can be put in any time before sex.

:: They protect against STIs as well as pregnancy.

:: They’re a good choice for women who can’t use hormonal methods.


:: They can slip or get pushed out of place if they aren’t used properly.

:: They can be quite expensive to buy.


Contraceptives Pros and Cons: Withdrawal (78% Effective)

This method is where the man withdraws his penis from a woman when he feels he is going to ejaculate. He then ejaculates outside of her body.

Generally, experts advise against this method.


:: You don’t need to visit a clinic or use any products.


:: Some sperm can leak out of the penis before ejaculation.

:: It has a relatively high failure rate - around 22 out of 100 women relying on it will get pregnant in a year.

:: It requires lots of control and practice. 

Contraceptives Pros and Cons Fertility Awareness Methods

Contraceptives Pros and Cons: Fertility Awareness Methods (76% Effective)

This is when a woman identifies the most fertile phase of their monthly cycle using natural signs such as body temperature, cervical secretions and the length of their menstrual cycle.

During the fertile period, a couple will avoid sex or use another contraceptive method such as condoms.

Experts say you should only use natural family planning if you have been taught by a specialist. Every woman is different and natural family planning needs to be understood really well if it is going to be effective.


:: There are no physical side effects.


:: Some fertility awareness methods may be hard to use during fever or vaginal infection, after childbirth or while breastfeeding.

:: Some areas have limited availability of suitably trained healthcare professionals to teach this method.

Contraceptives Pros and Cons Plan B Pill

Contraceptives Pros and Cons: Plan B 

The morning after pill is a powerful way to stay in control of your body when you have unexpectedly had unprotected sex, or when you think that your usual contraception has failed.

Like all medication, it’s important to know as much as you can about the treatment before taking it.

Here’s a list of benefits and drawbacks for using the morning after pill, to help you make an informed decision about whether it is the correct choice for you.


:: Reliable contraception – If you take ellaOne within 5 days of contraceptive failure or unprotected sex, it is 95% effective for preventing pregnancies, while Levonelle’s effectiveness drops over time, and after 3 days it is only about 58% successful.

:: Convenient – You can buy the morning after pill in advance, so that you always have it on hand if you need it. You might want to buy some emergency contraception if you are going on holiday, or if you don’t have easy access to it.

:: No serious side effects – While there are some morning after pill side effects that you may experience, none of them are considered “severe” by the NHS.

:: Single dose – Taking the morning after pill is as simple as it sounds: you take one pill and you’re done, and many women won’t even experience any emergency contraception side effects.

::Not harmful to foetuses – If the emergency pill doesn’t work and you become pregnant, there is no evidence that it will affect your baby.


:: Morning after pill side effects – The morning after pill does sometimes have unwanted side effects, but none of these are considered severe.

::Effective for a limited time – If it’s been more than 5 days since you had unprotected sex or your contraception failed, there is no reason for you to take the morning after pill.

:: Only protects against pregnancy – It’s not really a negative point, but there are certainly some misconceptions about this. To be clear, the morning after pill doesn’t protect you from STIs, so if you have had unprotected sex you should still have an STI check-up even if you take emergency contraception.

::Vomiting – If you vomit within 3 hours of taking the morning after pill, you will need to take another dose.

::Not all women are suitable to take the morning after pill – The morning after pill is not suitable for some women.

Contraceptives Pros and Cons abortion pill

Contraceptives Pros and Cons: Abortion Pill

The abortion pill is also known as a medical abortion. ­There are two main types of abortions: medical abortions and surgical abortions.


:: Being at home instead of in the clinic may feel more private.

:: Being similar to experiencing a natural miscarriage may feel more natural.

:: The abortion can be done at a slightly earlier stage of pregnancy than suction abortion.

:: Injections and surgical instruments are not involved in the process, therefore it is less invasive.

:: Surgical injury to the uterus cannot occur.

:: You have more control over the abortion process.


:: You must have someone to support you at home during the abortion process.

:: Bleeding and cramps can be heavier and last longer than with suction abortion.

:: It cannot be done as late in pregnancy as suction abortion.

:: You must have a follow up blood tests to confirm you are not still pregnant.

:: Intrauterine contraceptive devices require a procedure at a later date.

:: It cannot end an ectopic pregnancy (in the tube). 

So here you go which method you should use, will be easy after you have gone through this list. While researching for this article I myself learned a lot. For this list I did use help from view professionals, because I am not a medical professional so it would be wrong of me do write it all by myself. I try to write it my own words, but these medical terms are so hard, but I assure you I did the best to make it be authentic to me and my brand. 


If you have any other questions regarding this topic, please write in comments for future articles. 

Sourced I used to write this article:

  Reminder: Always educate yourself before you start taking something

Read our latest articles:

Contraceptives Quiz: How Much Do You Actually Know About Contraceptives?

How to speak up: easy guide to speak up with confidence under a week

5 Proven Ways for Feminist to Deal with Online Hate

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x.o Nakedlydressed


How to speak up: easy guide to speak up with confidence under a week


How to speak up

Our society isn't really welcoming,

when it comes to woman speaking up. Women are often told they are too attractive to be smart, or that woman shouldn't be smart it makes her look bad. They purpose of saying this, is to make women feel uncomfortable about speaking up. See our society see's woman who speaks up as a threat, speaking up means she holds the power and they obviously don't like that. Speaking up means you have knowledge and are smart, but what our society fails to realise is that all of us are smart even if we don't speak up, we might hide it, but everyone is smart inside. Some people hide it because they feel like it, some hide it so they don't want to feel uncomfortable.

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The bottom line

is that women don't feel comfortable speaking up about something they have a lot knowledge about and a lot to sayabout. It is not right to make someone feel uncomfortable speaking up, every human has right to speak up. And it is really sad seeing powerful women not being able to speak up. But I get it I have been there too, we as women no matter how strong we are, we are taught not to speak up and we do this, but we shouldn't do it. We have as much right to speak up as men do, so today my beautiful queens I will give some simple tips how to gain confidence to speak up. This could be when speaking up regarding issues like sexism, disrespect as well as just in general at work place.

-Take small steps:

At first it is quite scary speaking up, so you can start by practicing with someone you trust. Practice with a friend, just pretend as if she was some stranger or your boss and your are expressing how you feel about certain situation. Practice as much as you can, so you get comfortable with it. You can even practice in front of mirror, but I do feel practicing with someone will help you out more, because they can give you feedback and you can make improvements if there is something to improve. Just practice and with every practice you will get better and better.

practice to speak up

-Identify Occasions You Feel Comfortable Speaking 

Maybe there were situation, where you were able to speak up. Think about it why were you able to speak up then? Acknowledge why it was good thing to speak up in this situation. Maybe you did something to prepare yourself for what, what was it? Addressing  this can help you out build confidence to speak up in other situation too. Knowing the benefits of speaking up, can help you out a lot. You might still be scared, but it will push you to do it anyways knowing the all good that will come with it.

-Write down what you are going to say

I personally know whenever just say in my head what I am going to say, I end up say something completely different. We humans don't function well, just by saying in head especially when you are going to have uncomfortableconversation. So writing it down will help you, you don't need to write all details, but important points will help. I also think writing down will help you memorise it and then you might not even need to use notes. But it is good to help you stay on track, and knowing you will say exactly that will build up your confidence.

say how you feel regardless

-Get out of comfort zone:

Getting out of comfort zone has so many benefits, and also will build up your confidence in speaking up. It can be something that is directed to communication for example go to networking event and try to introduce yourself and speak with people, or maybe go traveling by yourself. It can be anything that you wouldn't do, but of course even better if communication is involved. We are so used to being in our little bubble and getting outside of it, can really help us grow. Give me some good ideas for out of comfort zone in comments I might do some of them!

-Find your voice:

I think for anyone it is important find their voice before speaking up. What is the goal of that conversation? What are you trying to gain from it? Who will you help with it? Who will you inspire? Why is your voice worth being heard? All these little things can really help you boost your confidence and motivate you to speak up. Even if the answer is I am trying to help myself get better salary is good enough reason. Our brain works well with having reason for doing something and if the reason is very positive and can help someone even better. So try doing this, write down and repeatmany times before speaking.

find your voice

-Take Action, Rather Than Seeking Perfection First:

Confidence won't come if you just sit around, it comes by taking action. You take action and there you go your confidence is up, you sit your confidence is down. So you might not have confidence to speak up, but if you do it regardless you will gain confidence for next time. So step up and take action.

-Focus On Facts, Not Emotions:

When speaking up you can get emotions, you are in a way expressing how you feel, but leave emotions for later. It was proven when speaking up, when you focus on facts and go straight to the point and not involve your emotions, you will perform better in conversation.

be brave to talk

-Pay Attention To Your Body And Verbal Language:

Your body and verbal language is as important as the conversation when speaking up. How you hold yourself can help you out a lot so people take you seriously. Straightening your shoulders can really help you out as well as other things. One way to practice is to video tap yourself and then let someone give you feedback. Getting coach for this can also be very helpful. The way you hold yourself can really boost your confidence.

-Let Go Of Outcomes:

So many people are too focused on outcome. I feel people don't like the idea they might get rejected or that they wouldn't bring their point across. I get it, it is not the best feeling, but honestly so what at least you tried. You need to learn that you can't control how others will react, the only thing you can do is speak up and see how they react, but not worry too much about it.

have a conversation

-Be An Advocate For Others:

Helping others with their struggles, can help you out a lot. It can boost your confidence, the feeling of being needed and that you helped someone has big impact on your confidence. And also it makes you feel you have some knowledge, which will motivate you to speak up. Feeling you know what you are doing, can really be helpful. Of course boosting your confidence shouldn't be the reasons for helping someone, but I would say it is for sure a bonus.

These tips are

quite easy, but will have big impact on your confidence to speak up. Speaking up is never easy, even for people who do that often, but it is a must to success in life. People can't know how you feel unless you tell them, so you got to open your mouth. By speaking up you don't also free yourself from your feelings, but also you gain respect by speaking up. Trying practicing and applying these tips in your daily routine, and you will be pro in no time.

I used to let my twin sister do all the talk for me, and would never speak how I feel. Today it is different story. I am more than comfortable calling people out, and speaking up if there is anything I don't like in every aspect in my life. I am more than confident to go up to my boss and tell him if I don't like something. All it took was working on being more comfortable with speaking up and of course gaining more confidence. You can be this too just by practicing everyday.

Hopefully this can help anyone struggling with speaking up. You can do it, I believe in you!

Reminder: You are worthy of being heard!

Read our latest articles:

How to stop misogyny as male in view simple steps

Solution to inequality

Why do men get paid more than women?

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x.o Nakedlydressed

Solution to inequality


Solution to inequality

In last week's article I talked about why women get less salary and today I will be talking about how we can change this, how companies, but also you can change this. This issue has been around forever so changing it, won't happen over night or just by one person. It really needs for everyone to say stop we need a change. So here is solution to inequality


Companies have all excuses how for Senior position you need this and that, just so women don't get senior position. We live in modern world now, where flexibility is possible for anyone. From having ability to work from home to many amazing tools that we have today. We can always come up with excuses why we can't do something, how about we start designing senior positions that suits for both women and men.

I am sure anyone can do this, it is honestly way easier to design position that suits both men and women. I also feel in this case men do have to step up and call out CEO's on this bullshit. Men need to be part of change, by refusing to take position that are only suited for men. And also it is quite easy for companies to create position for just men, when men allow women to work less, while they still work full time. When you have family don't give the woman all the responsibility, while you are able to work and build you career it is not far. When you responsibility is divided in half, it will be harder for companies to create position that are only suited for men.

inequality in paying


Even though in our society it is the man who is allowed to work full time and build up his career, but at the same time our society makes it so hard for men to work part time. This bias that men have to work full time, that you won't be able to build up your career with part time job needs to be cut off.

Of course men will work full time to build their careers, but if companies made part time jobs as attractive as full time jobs it would be different story. Obviously the man ends up with full time job, because it is known men can faster build up their careers and second no matter what he will be earning more money, so if woman works they will be losing money. Companies need to make part time as attractive as part time. We also need to make women working full time instead of men attractive as well by paying women the same as men. Companies need to be part of solution to inequality.


One of the reasons they say women are paid less is because they go for jobs in sectors with lower income. The only reason women do that is because next to their job, they also have full time job at home taking care of children so these jobs allow them to have more flexibility.

Companies need to make flexible working in every sector and while they are at that also make equal pay for every sector. We have advanced in so many ways so flexibility shouldn't be a big problem. Opening flexibility in typical men's  occupations would entourage more women to work in them and also allow more men to work part time, which will result in equal career progress for both men and women.

why not far


This one is of course my favourite and most important one. The fact that women are still not getting paid the same amount for the same job as men is ridiculous. There needs to be strict law for all the companies that force them to pay women the same. Instead of being quite, how about we shame any company that pays woman less. Paying less should become culture embarrassment not something to be proud of.

Our society has always seen women as less and it is such a false belief, but unless we shame people for thinking this way nothing will chance. All these excuses like women earn less because they are not skilled or work less are so false. We keep getting reports from the same positions and same hours, and it is so not true that women can do less women can do as much as men can. Women won't stand by this anymore. All of us  won't support companies that pay women less so they are forced to change.

So now that we gone over what companies can do, there are many more things they can do, but we go over them some other time. But the thing is yes they can do it, but will they do it? We don't have a lot of control over companies are their actions, but we have full control over our actions. We need to focus on how we can be part of solution to inequality since that can also influence the change.

reasons for inequality

-Sharing salary information:

A lot of people think sharing you salary information is forbidden , but it is actually not. Of course many companies don't want you do to so, but you have full right to do so. It is your own salary and you own information, therefore you have full right to share this information. No matter in what sector you work, if you are man or woman sharing this information online can really help bring awareness you this issues and push to change. Speaking up and sharing information will help with solution to inequality.

-Knowing the law:

If you noticed that you male co worker earns more than you in the same position, you have full right to complain. There is Law that has been made in 1963 that give you right to get paid as much as male. But sadly so many companies haven't been monitored so they can easily get away with it. But if this is happening you need to complain about it. Of course no one should fight for their right. But it is what it is, you need to call them out on that.

-Bring awareness to this issues:

Talk to women in your circles, make them aware of this issues. Educate them and teach them what they can do to help fight this issues. You should also talk to men about it, bring awareness to them too. Because some men don't even realise how big of issue this is. I feel talking about it can really help fight this issue.

-Donate to organisation that are fighting inequality:

There are so many wonderful organisation that are fighting inequality, donating either your time or money can really help them.

Here is organisation I really like: Equalsalary

-Share on social media:

Social media has become big part of our lives so sharing this issue on social media can help too. Share your thoughts and educate people anything will help.

-Cultivate negotiation skills

As women they don't value us as much as they do men, so we really need to step up the negotiation skills. Having amazing negotiation skills they will have no reason to pay you less. When they see that you value yourself they will value you as well.

What do you think? What else can we do to help out to fight inequality? I think it won't be easy, but for sure will be worth it! When this happens it will be beautiful change that everyone needed, so let's believe in that.

I hope you enjoyed this mini series and you learned something from it. Comment down below letting me know what you learned.

Reminder: We all need to fight this issue even if you are a male!

Read our latest articles:

Girl Power collection is here

What is happening to Turkish women?

How to stop misogyny as male in view simple steps

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5 Proven Ways for Feminist to Deal with Online Hate


5 Proven Ways Ways for Feminist to Deal with Online Hate

As a feminist you are more open minded and see the world for what truly is, and not what our society wants us to see. You don't just believe everything society tells us, but you dive deep. And find  your truth, and probably more accurate truth. But see society does program us to believe what they like us to believe, so a lot of people on this earth have this mindset, a very close minded mindset. They don't like to explore and see it for themselves.

They let society control their mind. So when feminist comes to speak up and tell the truth this of course is not good. You ruining close minded beliefs. They are so close minded, they need to keep these beliefs as long as possible. So you coming and ruining this for them won't make them happy. So that is why most feminist get a lot of hate online.

feminist anti bullying quotes

Doesn't matter

if you are just commenting or liking feminist stuff, or have feminist page or blog you will get hate. I remember one time on twitter when I barley had 100 followers I tweeted one thing about pro-life. I kid you not got over 100 comments from of course pro lifers. And I can tell you to this day that tweet has still the most comments. I can also tell you I have many haters who follow me, and they interact with every post I post, but of course in a hateful way.

So it really doesn't matter in which way you are feminist,

as long as you are in a way voicing your opinion, you will have problem with them. This really does show that if they spend so much time hating on us, we do see how big issues they really have. But I don't really care about them, and they are not the point of this post, but how all of us can take care of ourselves when this happens and how not to get to us.

empowering feminist quote

Know who you are as a person, and that you opinion is 100% your truth:

In situation like this one, working on yourself really can come handy to you. Diving deep and learning who you truly are, getting to know yourself, your beliefs, and the way your form an opinion will really be helpful to you. Know yourself and knowing your own opinion will make yourself more confident. People won't be able to easily make you question your own opinion. Invalidate your opinion won't be easy anymore, because you know your opinion and that this is 100% your truth. You will know that we have different opinions, and that you have your own, and won't easily backdown on your own opinion. You will let them say their own opinion, but you won't be offended or triggered by them doing so. And most importantly your mental health won't be in danger because of it.

cyber bullying quote

Remember people who hate on others are actually reflecting how they feel about themselves:

As I said feminist are not friends to close minded people, because you make them question their beliefs and they don't like it. And what make it even worse, your opinion probably makes more sense, but they don't want it. They probably don't even know arewhy they have these beliefs, so you having opposite beliefs for sure is triggering from them. I am also sure people who hate on others must have view insecurities anyways, doesn't even have to be that they are unsure about their opinion and beliefs. It could be they in general feel not good in their own skin, so they need to take it out on someone.

Trust me when I say,

I have never experienced a person who is 100% happy with themselves to hate on others. If you are happy with yourself, you really have no need to to judge or hate others. You probably trigger them by simply having different opinion from most of people. It means you are confident enough and that triggers them too. Even though it seems they are simply hating on you, it has more to do with their own insecurities, and trust me it has little to do with you, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

great quote about bullying feminist

Remember you can always block them:

Blocking does seem childish, and it shows them it is effecting you, but sometimes it is better to block them. Sometimes hate can get out of the hands and you need to block them. I remember I had this hater couple of moths ago. She was of course Trump supporter and would always comment on my post, like I should thank you for making my engagement higher. She would always comment opposite of my opinion. For example if post would be about pro choice, she would comment about pro life, and how pro choice is disgusting. And it was honestly very funny some things she said, but then it really got out of hands. She started hating on one of my followers, and she is teenager passionate about feminism.

Like she has right to be passionate about feminism,

and you can be against it, but what is not right, hating on someone for having different opinion than you. This old woman started hating on her and then the girl messaged me about it. She didn't ask me to block her, but I didn't like that she was hating on one of my followers, so I blocked her. I want my followers to feel comfortable commenting on my posts. So yes when it does go out of hands, you for sure should block them. It doesn't mean they are getting to you, it means you need your peace. It means you are winning. Blocking someone doesn't always mean they are getting to you. It means you care more about yourself than having higher engagement, plus who really cares if they think they won as long as you have peace.

inspiring quote from feminist

Taking break from it is also okay:

Sometimes all the hate can really be too much. When taking too long to take a break, can sometimes damage your mental health. When you feel anxious about social media and the comments, please take the break. Or for a while just use it to take to your friends and maybe then just follow people who make you happy.

Lear how not to need validation from others:

Another aspect of working on yourself is also learning to love yourself. When you learn to love yourself, you won't need validation from others. That will be huge plus for you and how to react to hate comments. When you don't need validation, all these hate comments won't bother you anymore. You will read them and would laugh at them, because they don't mean anything to you. I feel most of us don't like getting hate comments, because we are all so hungry for validation, and hate comments are just opposite of that.

Remember that whatever you do,

there will always be someone jealous of you, judging you, but why do you care? It is just some random stranger, who probably wouldn't even be able to hate on you in real life. Ask yourself are you happy with yourself? If the answer is yes, that is all you need. The only validation you need is your own, everyone else don't matter. Just learn to not give a fuck and not worry about what others think about you. Let's just be real, if they are judging you, they probably are jealous instead of actually thinking something is wrong with you, why would they then be talking about you?

It is sometimes hard with the hate I get it, and you 100% are allowed to feel hurt and sad by it. But know that people hating on you probably see you are doing great things. Hate never comes from the place where they feel they are doing better, it is always opposite. Feeling like you are doing better will make any insecure person hateful towards you. It is not right, but sometimes insecurities can make you do crazy things. The only thing you can do is ignore it, and not let it get to you. Being confident in what you are doing will be the biggest revenge.

Reminder: Take of yourself first!

Read our latest articles:

Solution to inequality

Why do men get paid more than women?

How to speak up: easy guide to speak up with confidence under a week

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x.o Nakedlydressed