Kayla Workout Program Friday Weeks 2&4

As we did our full body workout for weeks 1&3 we need to continue in weeks 2&4 as well to keep track of our bikini body. I also wanted to tell you that if you started this program you are already doing something right and things are only going to get better from now on and just keep your eyes on prize and prize being at the end your great body and don't let sweet things and chocolates make you unmotivated and wanted to give up just push it hard and when it gets harder with workouts just say you can do it. You could also hang some picture of really good looking body and just look at that. Anyways now let's play:

Circuit 1:
10 burpees
30 or 15 per leg jump lunges
15 lay down push ups
15 sumo squats
Break after 7 minutes
Circuit 2:
15 reps of 4 mountain climbers and 1 push up
15 straight leg jackknifes
2 minutes skipping
24 or 12 each side commandos


 Jump lunges

Lay down push ups

Sumo squats

Mountain climbers 

Straight leg jackknifes 



So this is your full body workout I mean this is not even that hard you only have to do it two times and only once a week but don't forget you have to do Monday and Wednesday workouts as well don't forget that. It will not work if you only do this workout. Anyways girls just have fun and I know you can do it you are all strong girls with a lot of motivation. Let's do it and share your progress girls and come back next Monday because Monday mean the Monday workout and it is time to work.But for now do this and have fun on weekend some great articles are coming up stay tune


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