Circuit 1:
15 drop push ups
1 minute plank
20 tricep dips (feet raised)
25 bent leg raises with hip lift
after 7 minutes little break
Circuit 2:
15 weighted squat clean and press
15 leg raises with hip raise
20 raised leg sit ups with twist
20 leg raises
Here is explanation to these workouts:
Drop push up: start by standing up straight before bending both your hips and knee into squat position. Lean your body forward slightly and place your hands on the floor. Kick your feet backwards, and as soon as your feet touch the floor behind you, lower your torso towards to floor until your arms form a 90 degree angle. Push through your chest and extend your arms to lift your body back into push up position. Transfer your body weight onto your hands and jump your feet inwards and into squat position and stand up.
Plank: this picture shows you exactly how you should do this work out and just stay in this position don't move.
Bent leg raises with hip lift: start by lying flat on your back with your arms extend alongside your body and legs completely extended if you are on bench hold the bench behind your head. Keeping your feet together, contract your abdominal muscles and bend your knees in towards your chest. As your knees approach your chest, lift your hips off the bench slightly. Squeeze in tightly before lowering your hips back onto the bench. Slowly release your legs outwards.
Weighted squat and clean and press: more explanation here
Leg raises with hip raise: more explanation here
Raised legs sit ups with twist: more explanation here
Leg raises: more explanation here
So this was the Monday's workout. It looks pretty fun doesn't it? Just enjoy yourself and at this time you should already changes in your body and I think that will motivate you to work harder. If you need any more guidance write comment below or you can email us as well here
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