Examples of inequality
In our society there is so many inequalities and really is a big problem. It us becoming bigger and bigger problem. I feel the reason why inequality is becoming bigger problem is because a lot of people are no aware of it. See we are taught this is how it is suppose to be and we accept it. But when we start looking it closly it is not true this is not right. So that is why it is important to bring awarness of inequality and give you view examples of inequality in our society:
- Economic inequality: there is still inequality when it comes to salaries, women to this day still get less salary than men do for the same position. A lot of people in our society excuse it by saying how women work less, have lower motivation or lower position but this is not accurate. Every analytics that has been done regarding salaries was based on the same position, same amout of hours and more and then they compared the genders and it still turns out men earn more. So no we women actaully also love working and are motivate to work hard for higher positions. Don’t make any more excuses fight for this equality because it will also benifit you trust me.
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