Bags are very important when it comes to outfit and we also have to keep up with bags latest trends to be trendy. This summer we got some amazing bags from fringes bag to some great shoulder business like bags with some great colours. Have you noticed that a lot of bags that are in this season are with fringes we just got to love em don't we? Even thought expensive bags are nice to have and
White jeans are always great to wear and you always look so chick in them. I love how great they look with those strapy heels or pointed toe heels it looks so stylish and it is basically just simple outfit. But I have noticed also in my experience that it is not always easy to put together an outfit with white jeans there are quiet some things that should be considered like for example you can'
so today's subject is something i get asked a lot "why do you work out your not fat", and the thing that bothers me because working out is linked to fat people WHY? the fact is there are over a 1000000 different rezones to work out that has nothing to do with wight or losing fat: 1- better body frame : have you ever wondered why models can wear anything tight and look fl
Opi always creates great nail polishes and I love such a great names of nail polishes and also collection and they always make crazy coloured nail polishes and when you wear them it puts you in such a great mood don't you feel like that as well? This spring they released amazing spring collection called "Hawaii" and I am absolutely in love with it this collection has a lot of past
Now it's graduation time around this time all graduations happen and we need to make these graduation parties and they can't just be like normal parties we need to remember them so we need to make them really unique so that also means decorations. For today I thought why not do DIY for graduation party decorations and these DIY are always super fun because you can make great stuff for l
Spring is great time to discover super great hair products because for one is spring when weather is great again you just feel like exploring and being adventurous you want to try something new and I heard from many people that they use in winter doesn't work very well in spring and summer so they need some new stuff and also in spring all our fav brands release their latest collections and