Men-Women Relationships

I think men and women can be really good friends. A lot of people think men and women can't be friends because they will end up having sex, but in my experience that is not true. I have so much guy friends and we have amazing friendship. And they are not all my childhood friends with whom I can be friends without sleeping with them, because if I would it would be weird and it 100% won't

Kayla Workout Program Wednesday Weeks 2&4

So this workout is also for Wednesday just for weeks 2 and 4 a bit more harder but I know you can handle it. I am showing you all the workouts for weeks 1-4 because now I am on my week 4 of Kayla workout and thought it would be fun if we all do it together at the same time. If you guys do follow this workout we would love to see results after so please do send us your progress pictures. And I want

Kayla Workout Program Wednesday Weeks 1&3

As I promised I will post workouts for Wednesday for weeks 1-4. These workouts are for arms and abs and I would say these are more challenging, but they are very fun when you get used to them. And you don't have to do it on Wednesday you can do it on any day. 1. Circuit: 15 push ups 15 medicine ball squat and press 15 lay down push ups 15 tricep dips  Break after 7 minutes 2. Circuit:

Mr Sandman or Mr. Sadman

“ There's no one on earth who knows so many stories as Ole Lukoie-he certainly can tell them! When night comes on and children still sit in good order around the table, or on their little stools, Ole Lukoie arrives. He comes upstairs quietly, for he walks in his socks. Softly he opens the door, and flick! he sprinkles sweet milk in the children's eyes-just a tiny bit, but always enou

Kayla Workout Stretching

Yesterday I was talking about Kayla workouts for weeks 1-4 for Monday and then I said that you guys should also stretch at least once a week though I do it after every workout. Stretching is very important when you workout and you have to do it right. I wasn't sure you guys knew how stretching works but I thought I post photo that explains perfectly how to do it. So just do it quickly not too

Is MGTOW the sissy answer to WGTOW?

MGTOW means Men Going Their Own Way... have they ever gone other way? I wonder... well, every man I know goes his own way without this MGTOW proclama but let's go deeper into the real meaning of this acronym. Let's check out the claim: “ M.G.T.O.W – Men Going Their Own Way is a statement of self-ownership, where the modern man preserves and protects his own sovereignty above

Kayla Workout Program Monday Weeks 2&4

As I posted in my pervious article a kayla workout for 1&3 now I am going to show you workout for Monday week 2&4 these workouts are a bit harder but I am sure you can handle it. Also very easy to do. This workout is also leg cardio workout and you also have to do two times those exercises it works the same way the only thing I didn't say was that beside those workouts in weeks 1-4 you

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