Halloween: Costume ideas

The reason I love so much October because it's Halloween month and ever since I known about halloween I loved it. Because I grew up in Europe we didn't have halloween for a while only for couple of years now, halloween is more popular in America and that is where it was born. But I love Halloween we got to be whatever we want to be doesn't matter what we actually are or it doesn&#

My top foundation and concealer

Foundation and concealer is very important for our makeup, for our face to look fresh and clean we need these tools. And we might not thing that it is important it is very important and for that to work we also need good once but just some cheap stuff so for today's article I will show you my top foundations and concealers that I already have tried and am very happy with and I will tell

Hers and his date night outfit

Date nights are always fun, it gives you chance to get to know each other better and that can never be bad. But anyone it is a bit hard to decide what to wear you know for any date you want to look good but you always don't want to seem that you are trying too hard and you want to impress this person so for today's article I will give you some ideas what you can wear on date Her: It

Casual night out

On Saturday evening as every Saturday I went out and this time my friend had birthday. We planned to meet up at the bar next to the club we were suppose to go out, but I took way too long to get ready so that's why I met up with them in the club but everything worked out well. It was great  but after a while my friend and I went to other club and other stayed at the club. After we went to lat

Different ways to wear military style jacket

Lately I have been obsessed with those military style jackets, and they also seem to be very in at the moment all cool kids are wearing them. I bought first one at the bershka and you can see it in my previous post where I show you my first fall look, but then I bought couple more and it seems like there are only jackets I am wearing. I just don't know what is with them but I think they ar

Kayla Workout Program Wednesday Week 13

So here we go again it's that time of week where we need to workout again and this time it's arm day. This is a bit different from first guide because the second day would always be abs day but we all like little change don't we? I think this workout it's quit easy and nice to do for middle of the week to feel better so here we go 1. Circuit 15 x push ups 15 x side raises

Kayla Workout Program Monday Week 13

It has been a while since last time I did post about Kayla's amazing bbg and that was when we did her first guide and I made a poll back in July to see if you guys want more of here guide and everyone said yes so I decided to do it again, but I am so sorry I was so busy couldn't do it earlier but at least I am doing it now. As for her previous guide, this guide also has some rules and

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