Hello all you nakedly dressed readers : Today's article is very light and has a few live basics thought we give you something different this time , "Less is more" how many times have we heard that phrase as it turns out it is kind of true and ill tell you what we should do less of : 1-judge yourself less: Don’t go over and over the mistakes you have done or your past
As you might have noticed, lately I have been super obsessed with makeup brand Bobbibrown . Ever since I bought their high lighter I have been loving them, and have been looking to buy some more o their products. So that's why I have been spending a bit of time on their webpage checking out their latest collection and I cam across this amazing collection called telluride that I will be sho
Today the weather way very fall like, kind of rainy but also not that cold. Sometimes I like fall because it's not too cold but also hate because never know what to wear, sometimes it rains sometimes it is warm so stupid. Anyways before I had to work I went to IKEA to buy myself a bed because I got new apartment, which I am so happy about and need new bed. So this is what I wore on rainy fall
The summer is officially over at least in my country since it is not anymore that sunny and hot and autumn is approaching and guess what we will be wearing this fall? The sueded clothes. Not only this fall, but we already started wearing it this summer but just in summer way and all of our favourite stores sell sueded clothes. And to be honest there is no better time to wear sueded clothes than i
so today's topic is fun and can contribute in making more healthy, and make you bullied up some really easy everyday health habits for life . being frinds with your food will do you a lot on the long run just know that kinda friends you become friends with hahahah. so lets start gathering our food friends : drink friends : -water is a must its our best friend the more you drink the better
I love Sundays because they are always quiet and you don't see much people because it is the day after Saturday and most people are hangout at home with probably big hangover so it is always nice to get out and just enjoy that day. This Sunday it was very nice weather so I decided to hang out with friend of mine that I didn't see for a really long time. We had great time first we went to
The title of this article may seem odd but this article will have a little more detailed face make up , from things to do before make up all the way to removing make up. So let's get started: Before make up:- I always say "your skin is your best foundation" so take care of your skin very well with all the ways you can. -take your vitamins and eat well , use a sunscreen