Women shouldn't have to shave

Women shouldn't have to shave

In our society for years now women have basically shaved everything on their bodies and men basically nothing or just small parts of their bodies why is that? We are both humans and we are born with hair and we can chose if we want to be shaved or not. Why is it not normal for woman to be hairy? Why did we make this normal for woman to always be shaved.

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Pro Life vs Pro Choice

Pro Life vs Pro Choice

Pro Life and Pro Choice labels are so confusing and I always keep getting messages on instagram to explain what is the difference or what if I am little bit of both what should I call myself? And this is perfect example of what actually labels do, just make all of us so confused so maybe we all should stop basically labelling everything. Anyways back to the topic I feel these two labels are putting people in two boxes and in a way forcing people to be in one of the boxes. These labels are very close minded and makes you feel you are not free to make your own choice.
In my opinion there should only be one label when it comes to abortion and that should be only PRO CHOICE. You don’t have to do it yourself, but feel everyone should feel comfortable making decisions about their body without being judged. That is why Pro Life is just an excuse for close minded people to judge others. But sadly there are still two labels so let’s go over and I will also add my opinion about it:
But first funny meme haha got to thank memes to making everything lighter.
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Examples of inequality

Examples of inequality

In our society there is so many inequalities and really is a big problem. It us becoming bigger and bigger problem. I feel the reason why inequality is becoming bigger problem is because a lot of people are no aware of it. See we are taught this is how it is suppose to be and we accept it. But when we start looking it closly it is not true this is not right. So that is why it is important to bring awarness of inequality and give you view examples of inequality in our society:

  1. Economic inequality: there is still inequality when it comes to salaries, women to this day still get less salary than men do for the same position. A lot of people in our society excuse it by saying how women work less, have lower motivation or lower position but this is not accurate. Every analytics that has been done regarding salaries was based on the same position, same amout of hours and more and then they compared the genders and it still turns out men earn more. So no we women actaully also love working and are motivate to work hard for higher positions. Don’t make any more excuses fight for this equality because it will also benifit you trust me.

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How did I became feminist

How did I became feminist

Where do I start? When it comes to feminism and how I became one I could spend hours talking about it but let’s keep it short. I think I always had feminist inside of me and deep down always knew that is what I was meant to do. Omg that sounds so cliche this is going so well. But anyways as a female and person from third world country even when you are younger you do notice certain things, but then when you ask why is it people just tell you this is how it is. They make it so normal that male and mostly white male are getting more and better as a child you believe it. The thing is you actually do grown up and start noticing certain things and start seeing it clearly. That started for me when I moved from my home country Serbia to Switzerland. See I was noticing things in Serbia too, but just believed it was messed up country and system but I was then noticing things in Switzerland, a country where it is so amazing to live. I do believe it is an amazing country but some stuff were not so good. First time that i really was made aware of it is when I started going to school. I noticed so much favoutism boys for sure were getting better treatment of I guess white male that were either from Switzerland or some rich country. See not only was I female but I was also from third country and I noticed it really hard.

Head over here to read full article

Let's organise our clothes

If you are into fashion like I am you must be one of those who just loves to buy new clothes again and again!! You know you probably don't need it but you still buy it. Some stuff you are drawn buy and you can't help it. But you know what sucks about shopping making place for new clothes. Normal people would probably throw away old clothes and put new clothes, but who does that actually??!! WE ain't ready to give up clothes. Well you don't have to worry about that because today I got you girl with great trick how to organise your clothes!!!

What I have learned from always not having enough space in my clothes and also working in retail is racks are the best for organising clothes. They are bigger than wardrobe but girl trust me you can fit more clothes on rack than in wardrobe. And you can make it very organising you can organise by colour and by items and this way it will be easier to make outfit and to see what you have, where with wardrobe everything is a mess. So where do we buy a rack? Some good one that will keep my clothes clean and organised!!! Funny you ask because for this post I parented up with ZIITO to show you their beautiful racks and how organising clothes can be fun!!

You can buy this model in three sizes small, medium and large depends how much of clothes you need to organise. They were kind enough to send me one of their racks to I can test it out and let you know how they are check out the model I got here. So I got the large and let me tell you it is very big but big enough to fit all of your clothes. The quality is also very good, I noticed it is not cheap rack and also this one is very important it is also very stable. I tried to see how it would look with a lot of clothes on and it was still stable so you are allowed to overdoit with clothes. To finish up this I can only say good things about this product and I would recommend anyone, who needs to organise their clothes. And here is look how this racks looks like!

As you can see with this large size because it is so big you can even mirror or chair to it if you have space and it could look good in your room. This rack is great addition to your room, it can look great as decoration as well. For me this rack is 10/10 so go get it guys before it is gone it is very good investment for your clothes! Yes I said investment because it is little bit pricy but for sure worth it!!

Hope you enjoyed reading this article and little bit about organising ladies we do need to be organised otherwise we won 't find these outfit that will pull all the boys hearts just joking or am I??!!

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100 positive day

so labor day 1st of May 2018 think of this day as they first labor day in you next #100days_ positive and for the rest of your life make good choices you are never to late , and you are never to early to start something #positive the time is now as a start today try to write down everything you love about yourself in big bold capital letters and then write the things you don't like in a different paper burn the paper where you wrote the things you hate . the paper that includes all the things you love stays next to your bed and you read it everyday when you first wake up and before bed. you will see the difference in many aspects of your live #positive_Motivation #positive #100days_positive #day1 


summer stay motivated

hello all dear readers today's article is a follow up on our fitness for this summer ill be giving you a few tips on how to stay motivated through out your life not just summer so lets get it started  :

1- you didn't gain/lose wight in a few weeks to loose it in a few weeks :
lets get a reality check wight lose/gain didn't happen over night therefor when you start you fitness or wight lose plan you can't give up in a few weeks because your body will take a while until it fits with the new change ( just keep going).

2- don't look for fast fix solutions :
you can do a crash diet every now and then but that cant be the bases of your health plan as all the fast fix results you will get , you will lose just as fast and the consensuses can be brutal .

3- constancy is key :
that fact is you need to but you goals on long term results rather than just the short end this will be the rest of your life so it cant hurt to work a little for your self right .

4- no good dead goes unpunished :
working out and staying healthy is really not just for your body its is also for your brain and for your psychological health as well you will be more in control of your self and feelings and you will ba able to run your life better , so its more than worth it dont you think.

5- Love you :
you may not be in a place that you want to be in right this moment , but you will get there eventually your hard work will pay off as long as you dont stop everyone is diffrent and for you to make your goals come true you must love you and love where you are , and from where you are you will learn how to be a better you.

So now that we know how to stay motivated thanks to Lisa she really knows how to motivate you, she does that with me on daily base anyways now to workouts. As I mentioned before many times we have been working on our fitness book and it is actually done just we have to make the entire layout and everything so it will take some time and we don't want to give you some cheap stuff. So because you have been waiting way too long we decided to give you already a preview and you can already start working out and see how it is for you. I have put up this also as PDF file on our shop click here so you don't have to always go back to this article so here we go:

High knee ups: 20 seconds

Squats: for beginners 30 squats/ 5 rounds, for people in between 10 days of 30 squats and for advanced 15 rounds of 30 squats

Burpees: 15 burpees

And that's the first day workout so try it out and see how it works Guys I am so excited to see your results hope you guys have fun with it.

Stay beautiful and keep smiling

And here is our social media we would love to see you there give us some love
Lots of hugs and kisses