Menstrual pads should be given for free and condom should be sold


Menstrual pads should be given for free and condom should be sold

I read the following tweet:

"CONDOMS should be sold and menstrual pads should be given for free. Sex is a choice and MENSTRUATION isn't. Young girls without money are suffering out here. Should I go deeper?"

This tweet got

me to think and it is partly true. As women or anyone, who gets period you are used to getting period, and then having to buy pads or tampons. But is it right though? I guess they think hygiene, especially when it comes to women is a luxury. If you are poor sorry boo, you have to be dirty and get effections not my problem. I am being funny, but it really feels like that. Making me pay for pad really feels like that.

menstrual pads female

There are so many

founds and you are telling me you can't find system, where I can get menstrual pads for free. Females are born with period, like of course they don't get it right when they are born, but eventually. We can't escape it or ignore it, because we will get effections if we don't use pads. Usually woman has to change menstrual pads every couple of hours and period lasts around 2 to 5 days, when you calculate this it is a big number. Not everyone can afford it and why should we have to? Period supplies are so expensive, considering that it is something a woman needs. We shouldn't have to pay for something we need to basically survive, because you can really get sick if, not using pads during period trust me.

Before you continue reading comment down below what you think abut this:

menstrual pads pink

Now to the second thing:

It was sad, how condoms should be sold, that sex is a choice. Well yes sex is a choice in a way, but also not. Many of us do need sex, as humans we have desire to sex. Yes sex is definitely something we can hold on, but why should we? And making us pay for condoms, won't make us have less sex, but will make us have more unsafe sex, is that what you want? Making us pay for condoms, will just promote more unsafe sex. Do you really think, if we can't pay for pad, we can pay for condoms?

Making us pay for condoms,

will just result in more unplanned pregnancies or diseases. Unplanned pregnancies is something many have issues with, because it most likely results into abortion. As I said I never have problem with someone having an abortion, but if there is a way to prevent it of course it is better. If you get abortion, it can result in you having regrets, and that can have impact on your mental health, and second what I know abortion can be painful. So why not prevent this from happening, and also when so many of you are against abortion, I guess that would be in your interest too.

I see that both

menstrual pads and condoms are important for your health and both should be give for free. We live in society, where our health is being undervalued, which so wrong. They very much worry about profit, but not so much about people. There is a way, to have both give for free and it should be give for free.


Reminder: Your needs are important, and you should get them for free!

Read our previous articles:

Sexual assault awareness month

Stop changing your body: body positive movement

How do Christian actually feel about homosexuality?

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Articles you might also be interested in, if you enjoyed this article:

Condoms should be sold, Sanitary pads should be given for free

Free pads versus free condoms: Why we can’t afford this debate


x.o Nakedlydressed


How do Christian actually feel about homosexuality?

How do Christian actually feel about homosexuality?


Today I will be discussing how Christian feel about homosexuality.

When someone is covering topics

that I am I strongly feel there needs to be transparency, and especially topic regarding religion. So for the start I would like to share my beliefs with you. I am mostly atheist, but I am from Serbia, where they live by religion called “orthodox”. I am acknowledging and cherishing this religion, but I don’t have the same beliefs that this religion lives by, and that is okay.  My belief is that universe is a thing, but I don’t believe there is only one person responsible for all of us. I also accept everyone, and if your belief is that there is a god I accept that. If you like to read full explanation I can write that too, but for this article let’s keep it short.

homosexuality christian

As I said I accept everyone

no matter what religion they are, but what I can’t accept is religion that only accept their beliefs. I somewhat knew that religions like Christian were close minded. But I recently I came across an article that made me realise how deeply close minded they are. What I read in this article I couldn’t believe my eyes. So today I will be talking about this article, and why their view in wrong way of thinking.

-In the article they said how god created us for male and female to come together. God created us for husband and wife to come together in physical union

Saying that god created us so male and female can come together, you are saying that people who are attractive to the same sex should’ be here, or something is wrong with them.

love everyone homosexuality

This is not okay,

you are making someone else feel shitty about their sexuality. You are making them feel they need to change, when you actually you are the one who needs to change. That is the thing some religions are not educated enough, for example about homosexuality so instead of learning about it, they make you feel shitty about it.

If the reason god created us, is so we come together as male and female don’t you think all of us would be straight then? But no god never wanted this!

God actually believes in diversity, and believes everyone has right to chose their sexuality and everyone needs to accept it. World is not suppose to be full of straight people, we need diversity so we learn to respect and love everyone. Don’t need to understand it, but you sure need to accept it!

-The second thing they mention is that there is no other sexual union than that between husband and wife

So if I only feel attractive towards the same sex I need to stop that, and trick my mind into thinking that I am into opposite sex. So you are going to force poor gay male to have sex with straight or even with lesbian female, and they will both feel shitty about it. Because we as people know when they are not attracted to us,  we can feel it, but hey as long is male and female I don’t care if you enjoy it.

support gay christian

With mindset like

this you are forcing so many to be someone they are not. When someone can’t be their true self they can develop a lot of insecurities, and that develops many mental illnesses. But you don’t really care, as long as you look good am I right? God wanted all of us to be happy, and if that is with the same sex god is happy. God would never say bad things about anyone. You are just saying god said that so it sounds more accurate. They will say anything that suits their beliefs, and then say god said that. If you really love god, you would not discredit him by saying he is against gay people.

-They continued to say that every child has right to a mother and a father

Excuse me do you live in some Wonderland? So many children without one parent let alone with two, and yet they were made by female and male. And so many happy adopted children with two same sex parents. Children and any human being wants parents, who are happy, because happy parents means happy home. I would rather have two same sex parents that are happy, than having two opposite sex parents, who are unhappy.

You are not going to make someone,

who is attracted to same sex feel shitty, for feeling this way. They are allowed to feel this way, and they have full right to have children too. What because I like boys I can’t children, no that is not right. Again making them feel shitty, and this is something god didn’t want. It is possible for same sex couples to have children so obviously god wanted this. Children just need to be in happy and loving home, and it is possible that same sex couples can do this better, than opposite sex couples. Children and also god doesn’t discriminate we accept everyone.

As I said I am open for anyone,

who has different beliefs, but lies and beliefs are two different thing, and you make it seem a lie is a belief. Belief should be regarding you, and people around you, when you hurt people you don’t know, and saying they need to fix something that is part of them is awful. This is not god or belief, this is you not wanting to educate yourself, and it just makes you an awful person. It is sad how close minded they are, and how far from reality they are. I would say believe whatever you want to, but you also need to accept everyone else. You can’t just be okay with what you believe, we are all humans, and we need to accept everyone.

I won’t be sharing this article with you I don’t want to give them attention, but I can screenshot you the article and send you if you like to.

So now that you read all of it comment down below letting me how you feel about it?

Reminder: always love your body!

Read our previous articles:

It is okay to be male feminist

Sexual assault awareness month

Stop changing your body: body positive movement

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Stop changing your body: body positive movement


body positive movement

In today’s article I will be talking to you about being body positive and how that is important.

Pressure to look perfect

hasn’t been bigger than now. Everyday we consume instagram, and let’s be honest we see there everything, but real. From people facetunning their photos to getting multiple surgeries done just for instagram. From outside it seems all perfect, and it seems all these people have perfect lives and perfect body, but guess what not everything is real. They might look so much different in real life so you can let go of this pressure. Social media has great opportunities, but it also gave us more insecurities, and it really needs to stop.

woman body positive movement

Rise of social media resulted

in rise of plastic surgeries. You see your favourite instagram model, and she talks about getting something done, what does this do to you? You want to get this done too, because you look up to her. And this is the problem of course these people shouldn’t really be mentioning it or promoting it, but you should also not do everything they do.

It is like this if she didn’t mention it you probably would never even though of doing it, but because she said it, and you looking at her photos gave you even more motivation it gave you insecurity, and that is it perfect trap. But it is not really your fault or person who promoted this idea to you it is bigger source, it is society. I am going to explain in detail in upcoming article what that really means. But see they are gaining so much from creating insecurities in you.

Nowadays you can get

surgery on anything, and that is why society is able to gain from it so much. Back 100 years ago no one did anything on themselves, because it wasn’t advanced as it is today, and trust me they didn’t have insecurities and they were just fine. The society wasn’t able to gain from them so if they were fine you can be fine too.


It is only

because you think you need it. But you don’t really need it! See even if you have flat ass it is better than having fake big ass. It is better not doing it if the reason you are doing it is to hide your insecurities and show off on social media. I am not 100% against plastic surgeries, but feel most of times I would be. See most people do it, because they are unhappy with their bodies, and it is not really that they are unhappy most of us can live knowing with not like some parts of our bodies, but it is the reasons like showing on social media, or for girlfriend or boyfriend that makes us go through with it.

Let’s say you have uneven nose,

and you are fine having that and accepted it, but I can just imagine how annoy it can be. I would totally get you getting a nose job done for that reason. But let’s say all of your friends have big boobs, but you don’t and you look like ugly ducklin in front of them I would not agree with you getting your boobs done. In this case learn to be okay you are different from your friends, and it is okay. Look it is amazing we can basically fix anything, but use it for the right reasons. Learn that it is better to have something not perfect, but real than something fake, but I guess perfect in a way.

beautiful women body positive movement


And yes sometimes it is fine to get some things done, but make sure you okay with your entire body the way it is. Don’t feed our messed up society. Be brave and be happy the way you are even if it doesn’t seem all perfect. Be happy with your flaws and your good parts too. We are all beautiful no matter what!

Body positive means learning to love your body, and accepting it how it is. It is okay to have bad days, and not feel the best or beautiful, but always remind kind to your body. Join me with body positive movement write down in comments what you admire about your body, and then keep reading that every morning when you wake up

Reminder: always love your body!

Read our previous articles:

Should a woman have casual affair/sex?

If abortion is murder then

It is okay to be male feminist

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It is okay to be male feminist

It is okay to be male feminist

For today’s article I will be talk about, that is okay to be male feminist hopefully it will be helpful.

Feminism is more
than just fighting for women, it is more than just a movement, it is a lifestyle. Feminism is about unlearning all messed up things our society thought us and fixing all the flaws in our society. That is beyond just women being equal it is also about men. Yes we do get less when it comes to salary, and I guess respect, but men also have struggles from being in this society just in the different ways. Feminism is all about accepting everyone, and be there for everyone, so that is why male feminist should be a thing.
To read full article click here

If abortion is murder then

If abortion is murder then

We live in society, where there are many stupid and close minded people. They will basically turn things around so it suits their beliefs and make you feel like a bad guy for believing something differently. They will make any other belief look bad. And this goes the same when it comes to discussion about abortion. I can’t tell you how many stupid things I read online from close minded people regarding abortion. Every time I post something regarding abortion I am always shocked how fast it goes viral and it is not that I care, but kind of funny. I feel that they have alarm whenever someone posts something opposite of their beliefs. They make you feel so shitty for believing something else so then I always get confused.

You make everyone think you are nice person for not wanting to kill a child, but yet you are making everyone feel shitty, when they don’t believe the same as you. How is this a good person? A good person never judges or makes anyone feel shitty for thinking differently. And I mean if you believe you should have a child regardless of circumstances it is fine, I mean not really if you are judging others for getting abortion, but saying aborting is a murder. Excuse me, this makes 0 sense? But see they turn everything around to suit their beliefs, but see this is not right. They are putting ideas in people’s head, who might want to get abortion and it might be right choice for them. So today I though I spill some tea and showing you and them how this makes 0 sense:

To read full article click here

Should a woman have casual affair/sex?

Should a woman have casual affair/sex?

Anything you do in our society you will be judged. That also goes to women being judged about having too much sex and having casual sex. What are you guys woman’s body police? Haha seems right to me. Because you decided for her that it is not good for her to have too much sex.
A woman is allowed to
have as much sex as she wants. That can be with someone that she is in relationship with, but if she is single she can can sex every night with different guy and that is okay too. Some of us do enjoy single lives and when that is a case, a woman will have casual sex and it might be a lot and it is fine.
To read full article click here

Is visiting strip club anti feminist?

Is visiting strip club anti feminist?

Strip clubs and sex workers are for many of us very mysterious and unknown. We as people are scared of unknown so this kind of things are little bit like forbidden area. But only because it is unknown for you, it doesn’t has to be for everyone. So many talk negative about strips clubs, but mostly about sex workers and is not okay.
To read full article click here